bro how do I change this hud to side of the map

how i can hidde the minemap? in the config.lua, the line showMinimap = false, but the minimap show on the game

Wondering if someone can point me exactly where to change the script so it doesn’t show the speedometer anymore. I prefer a different speedometer personally. I thought I had it before but it ended up breaking the script with constant errors being thrown.

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oh ty

Little edit to the css, let me know if anyone wants it, though I’m not good at this so the scaling is bad (Only works good on 16:9)

Can anyone help me fix this? It won’t display hunger, thirst etc, and only shows other info if i /toggleui twice

can you please tell me how you added the discord?

Hello everybody. I use trew_hud on my FiveM server. As soon as I install NVE, the HUD disappears, is there a solution?

Hello, I am trying to make a function that when I press a key the HUD appears and disappears, but using the one that is /toggleui by default only hides the profession, the bank money and the money, the other continue to appear …

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

hey can i get your modified version? thabk you!

asks for help expecting help. Then other ask him for help and he ignores it. lol Maybe thats why you arent helped much.

i’ve already messaged him in private and i helped him long time ago, apreciate your concern.

how dose my money in bank and on person not show says i have 0 also dose not show my job


But how to i set the time and date to today’s time and date

Thankyou!!! it worked for me :smiley:

i can only see this part

HUD doesn’t show on start I have to toggle several times for it to work

and caa you see the full hud?
or just money and work

How can i replace position of hud ? i want to change his place to left bottom

Someone can say me why the water , food and stamina dont worked?

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Hi. For me always disable minimap when I am not in car, I set it correctly in config.lua. If I disable script minimap works always, so 100% sure this script causing that. Can somebody help with it?