Really? I’m having issues when you delete the truck, it breaks the script

Also, people are randomly unable to load up cars, even with returning the truck and getting a new one

Are they addon cars? That has been the only thing that has given me issues in the past is addon vehicles.

As far as deleting goes… I am not really sure how you are getting this issue with deleting the truck with “/dv” because it works fine for me.

Hi I need help… It will not let me enter the tow truck once I spawn it in… Could someone tell me what I have done wrong?

That makes no sense… You probably have a script conflicting with it…

Any Ideas of what might be a issue

Did you read that…???..???

My bad I over looked it sorry. But thx for the assistance I will clear everything out and try and I guess I was ask if I have trouble… and sorry for the dumb response before

love this script but i was wondering how do i find the x y z on a vehicle

I don’t understand the question… There are multiple ways to getting the coordinates… Would be nice to know the use you are using it for.

i have a addon tow truck but it puts the car into the cab so i was wondering how you got the xyz cordes of the bed

Its an offset position of the vehicles Y position.

AttachEntityToEntity(vehicle, towtruck, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(towtruck, "bodyshell"), 0, -2.2, 0.4 - vehicleHeightMin.z, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)

Change -2.2 to like -4.2 or something…

but how are geting the xyz is there a way of seeing it or is it just guess work

Its guessing unless you wanna write another function to get the offset and display a marker so you can visualize it… which I am not gonna explain.

ok thanks man keep up the good work

This script might be getting a rework soon :wink: Not gonna say anything about it just yet but… if it all works out… it is gonna be sweet.

Or honestly it might just be another version because it will require a modified towtruck model wise.

How can I add trailers to the script like the army trailer and boat trailer

That is up to you… I didn’t make this to work for trailers.

I did add them to the list of trucks but it still says not a tow truck. Is there a different part of the script that I’m missing to tell it what vehicles are allowed to tow

Like I said I didn’t build the script to work with trailers or multiple trucks. That is just how it is. You would need to write the code to make it do that.

I ha e no idea how to do that in just learning how scripts work if you would be able to do this that would be awesome