i have a tow truck in game and when i do it it flots behind it now i need to make it so the truck sits here FlatbedX=-0.850
FlatbedY= 2.550
FlatbedZ= 0.690

i do not know how to make it so it sits there

I mean. If it’s a modded flatbed the only way your gonna fix it is by changing this line I believe.

AttachEntityToEntity(vehicles.cVehicle, vehicles.vTruck, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(vehicles.vTruck, "bodyshell"), 0, -2.0, 1.2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)

All of your mods work flawless, never crashed using any of them. Great Job!!

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Some one pls help me i need this line

					AttachEntityToEntity(targetVehicle, vehicle, 30, -0.5, -5.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, false, false, 20, true)

to fit FlatbedX=-0.850
FlatbedY= 2.550
FlatbedZ= 0.690

Dude… just change the xyz cords til it fits. Take some responsibility and change it yourself. Tired of everyone saying Please help me I can’t do it my self when they haven’t even tried. Like wtf.

I hvae but 30, -0.5, -5.0, 1.0, what one of those is up right down left and forward

X is left and right. Y is front and back. Z is up and down.

I am enjoying this. It makes a crash scenerio so much real. Now if I can find a non-els mtl to put in I would be estatic. Thanks for releaseing this

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Does this script work for the Tow Truck Hitch? Because on my server, we are looking for a way to use the tow truck hitch and not the Flatbed.

The hook tow truck doesn’t need a script. Just use it as is and it works fine.

When players use the tow trucks, It will attach then deatach on its own

Works fine with Mule5!
Guys, how to change the height when car is “attach”?
Sorry for question. Im big noob in scripting.

I have officially reworked my towtruck script from last year. It is completely rewritten from scratch.

/tow - Attaches vehicle in front of you | Detaches the current vehicle you have attached.


  • Vehicle Blacklist
  • Awesome vehicle attaching (No floating vehicles)
  • Now has towtruck depots to spawn the towtruck
  • Now has an impound lot that can delete the vehicle the towtruck is towing
  • Has blips displaying where the towtruck depots and impound lots are.


Great work as usual, gonna mess around w it :slight_smile:

I think I’ve found a bug if you use the delete vehicles script.

If you /DV the towtruck, it doesn’t allow you to return it, or get a new one.

Also, would it be possible to automatically change your ped when you “Get a towtruck”

I’ll look into the /dv later. Just remove the truck like its supposed to for now.

It’s possible just doesn’t do that because I am not sure if people wanted that or not.


[20 Chars]

Yeah, I put an announcement to people to not DV it, but you know… fivem players.

I’d personally love the option to change into a TOW style ped, kind of like clocking in as LEO.

Great work either way dude, awesome script.

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I have been using this with no problems including the “dv” script, I even wrote an entirely different delete vehicle script to try and reproduce this issue but wasn’t able to.

To bad you can’t add more then one tow truck!