Release: Timer on Screen


I started recently in this thing of programming in FiveM. After reviewing several resources published here, I liked the idea of creating more content to help the community.

So this time I have decided to share with you one of the first things that I have created. This is a function that creates a timer on the screen. If you think it can be improved, please let me know it in the comments.

I think that being a function, you can use it in any resource just by calling the function.

I created a command so you can test it “/timer”.

I hote it helps you.


Update 11/07:


Do you have any screenshots?

You actually test this before releasing it?

I suppose that the owner of this script forgot to change the function,
try changing in the line 20: cronometer()
to: timer()

Edit: change this too in Line 4: printtime = segundos
to: printtime = seconds

Hi guys.

Sorry and thanks you.
I just corrected the mistakes. I’ll be more careful next time.


I love your job and money HUD on the top.
Do you want to share it :slight_smile:

Thank you for make this script and for the rapid solution, i’m sure that this script can be very useful for some people :smiley:

Do you still have this? Github link is down.

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