This script will add a time display and player’s location above the radar, it was based off @Kanersps Basic UI mod and @Kymac Time and Date Display
GitHub: Time & Location Display
How to install?
This script will add a time display and player’s location above the radar, it was based off @Kanersps Basic UI mod and @Kymac Time and Date Display
GitHub: Time & Location Display
How to install?
Maybe translate to English? or add a config option to change language?
Already update repository and add english translation
Made a PR to have an option. Haven’t testing because I can’t atm but it should work. Might want to add a check to see if lang
is valid.
update the image to english please
Is that a joke?
Just see where the arrow points. Everything simple: time, district name below, compass heading and street name below the district name. There is nothing hard to understand.
update the image to english please is it so fucking hard dude
Relax. In this time you’ve been waiting you could’ve but then in your server and seen them for yourself, then posted an image of them in English and I could update it.
I think he just has nothing to do, but thanks for explaining him politely.
im not gona download this befor there is a previe in egnlish
So don’t download, what’s the problem? Nobody forces you to do it.
you are brain dead i sad im not gonna download this
Oh such a shame, some random guy dont want to download mod because screenshot is not on english?
I just dont want to talk with you. Have a nice day!
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
I downloaded and installed it and uninstalled it lol
The source code can be found in the post. Not sure why you’re thinking that because it’s from a Russian it’s going to include something else.
Anyway, let’s try keep the arguments unrelated to the topic away from here. Thanks.
how can I move it down where you have your ear icon n stuff?