[Release] Terrov Series - Graphics, Visuals, Textures, Physics Modifications

I think its out of date

does anyone else get this? also help

delete citizen/common/data/dlclist.xml and try again

now i got this image

I did everything, I installed everything as the video I installed the reshard in my gta folder, I deleted the dll file more and give me this error when I will open the fivem [Could not open TLS certificate pair] could help me? For my mistake I had already installed the reshard in my fivem plus I deleted and renced the fivem and I am always with the same error someone could help me?

My friend got that error, if your running avast go into the antivirus and find the FiveM launcher and remove it from the Quarentine.

i dont have avast

Textures do not work, are you planning on updating this, because all I’ve ever wanted was LA Roads in FiveM but when all the mod conversion for it where made when I’ve been away from FiveM. If you would update it I would be grateful.

@James_21410g At night time some street light poles on highways and in Paleto kinda glitch out with light and shadows.

Update 2.3 has been updated! Look at the downloads!

run the RPF in the download thru ArchiveFix because it has invalid encryption type.

Thanks for the reply. I will quickly fix that and repost.

Link is back up and corrected!!

norton isn’t good anyways

which texture pack is “LA Roads, LA Vegetation,etc”

I want to install this mod but the Shift+f2 dont work, same for the home button.
Any fix ?

I followed every step showed in the install video (good video btw, easy explained), but I get no reshade menu when pressing shift+F2. When I join my server I get the following error message:
“DLC count mismatch - 117 DLC mounts exist locally, but 132 are expected. Please check that you have installed all core game updates and try again.”
Does that mean that I am missing files with my FiveM or with my GTA V?

Simply delete a file called dlclist.XML from Citizen\Common\Data in your FiveM Application Data.

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