[Release][Standalone] Tactical Nuke Script

Relaxed Society Developments
This script was made by Silence
This Vehicle was made by Samuel_ & Kyle Jeens
:white_check_mark: Credits to Scott, for Interact-Sound
:x: Do not re-release without my permissions
:white_check_mark: Modify for you own needs!
:white_check_mark: Comes with a Configuration file!
:white_check_mark: Standalone Script!

About Section

  • So we made this as more of a complete Meme, and I know how much some people love to just meme around. So yes it is a Call of duty MW2 tactical Nuke but with a bit of meme added to it. As a bonus I am also Releasing the Nuke tank vehicle that was made to meme with my script. by default there are ACE permissions written into the script, so you may need to change the ACE group in the "Config.lua" for your personal server needs. If you have any questions just ask me via the comment section below.
Nuke Tank Screen Shot


    1. Download the resource …obviously… Sil-Nuke.rar (9.7 MB) (UPDATED)
    1. Extract "Sil-Nuke" folder into your "resources" folder
    1. Add "start Sil-Nuke" to your "server.cfg"
    1. (re)Start your server, or start the resource via console.

And for anyone that doesn’t know how to set up aces, I didn’t realized this many people didn’t know how to set sublevel aces, so I’ve done it for you.

  • Download the "sil-permissions.cfg" here… sil-permissions.cfg (1.4 KB)
  • MAKE SURE YOU ADD YOUR STEAM ID TO THE "sil-permissions.cfg"
  • place the "sil-permissions.cfg" file in your “resources” folder. (outside of the sil-nuke script)
  • add "exec resources/sil-permissions.cfg" to your "server.cfg" directly above the nuke script.
  • Once you have done all that edit the "Config.lua" in the nuke script and change 'group.admin" to "nuke.admin"
  • (re)Start your server, and test.

Controls / How to use

  • “/nuke”
    To trigger the nuclear bomb (This will trigger to ALL clients)

  • “/nuketest”
    To trigger the nuclear bomb (This will trigger to only the SOURCE client)

  • “/nuke_exp_sound”
    This will play the Meme Explosion sound to all clients once

  • “/nuke_incom_sound”
    This will play the “Tactical Nuke Incoming!” sound to all clients once

  • “/nuke_beep_sound”
    This will play the BEEP sound to all clients once

  • “/exp_all_veh”
    This will blow up and throw around most or all of the AI vehicles around you, and every player on the server.

  • Spawn name for the Nuke Tank is “admin_nuke”



Yeaaaaah I mean… I don’t see where I could use that but… Nice to see haha x)


Would be cool at the end of a battle royal or some sort of PVP event. Haven’t tested it though.


it says "You must be an “Administrator” to do this… I am Superadmin and nothing happens. Must I put the Steam identifier in the config?

me to

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Haha I have no idea if I could use this amazing to see tho lol

Nice for cheaters :smiley:

WHen you want to wipe server :smiley:


It certainly has some uses!

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Nice for cheaters

cannot be injected, maybe read the source code before you collectively lower the IQ of this forum with your posts


I used to use it for whenever I restarted the server, or wipe the map, just a little fun way to keep your player base interested in what server they’re playing on.

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This script uses ACE permissions, you need to make sure you’re an Admin in the ACE’s such as in your server.cfg or make a permissions.cfg file

i am in the server.cfg admin… but the same… i try with the permissions.cfg

edit: nothing… i don´t know what i´ve done wrong.

still the same message

Could you designate a group separately?

How to get access?
Like this to server.cfg - add_principal identifier.steam:1100001XXXXXb group.admin

So…you ripped code from InteractSound and didn’t credit the author. Smooth. All you’ve basically done yourself is the actual explosion effects.

Are you retarded? Read the first check mark…

After doing everything i needed to do… absolutely no result, Still not working

what do i put in my config

literally going to put this on the black market for like 10 million and let players nuke my server. 10/10 would download agin