Hello .
As The Title Says This is a Script that will Allow you to Control the Speed of Player’s Vehicle. What it does is Limiting Player’s Vehicle Speed in Certain Spot of the map To Pre-Defined number (All Editable In Config.lua)
You Can Add Multiple Spots in the Config.lua File To Prevent Players From Griefing with Theyr cars. For Example you Can add Police Station Location to the Config file and Limit Players Vehicle Speed to 40 KM/h in there
This Script is Very Like my Previous Release on The Forum Cover Black List
How To Add a Spot :
Open Config.lua File And Add A line in Zones Structure like this:
{x = 0.0,y = 0.0,z = 0.0,UseZ = false/true,distance = 20.0,LimitSpeed = 50.0},
- X,Y,Z = Your Spot Location
- UseZ = Set True if you want script to check the player Z when checking distance.
- Distance = How Far Away From the Spot Players Vehicle Speed Should be Limited
- LimitSpeed = Speed That You Want Players Vehicle To be Limited To
Note :
If You Want To Use MPH set MPH in Config.lua File To true Otherwise it will use KM/h as Default
Github :
As Always . Don’t Forget to Give If you Like this Script!