[Release][Standalone] rob_bankvan

This resource allows will to rob the money from bank “vans”.

How it works
You need to go at Lester’s house, then you go at his computer and start the hacking, if you manage to complete it, you will receive a real time location on the map of where the truck is going to, when you get there, you just need to explode the back doors (:wink:) and get all the money. But be aware, there are cars protecting him, and they are armed, so it’s not going to be an easy task (hopefully).

Video showing the robbery

This resource uses mhacking, this was not possible if it wasn’t the amazing work from @zr0iq [Release] Simple Hacking Minigame
(You don’t need to download it, since it’s included in the files, but go give him a :heart:)

I based my script upon this one, so this was also not possible without this awesome script.

GitHub Standalone

VRPex improved version
For this version you will need pNotify (Thanks @Nick78111 for this amazing tool)and the knowledge of how to modify some basic things in the script, like how pNotify calls, the item that you want to give to the person and the checking how many cops function.
pNotify download
You also have to download the mhacking resource.
mhacking download
Now finally, you can download the VRPex improved version.

This version has new features, like checking how many cops are available.


  • Added a blip on the map (Lester) 23-08
  • The truck route disappears when you finish the mission 23-08
  • Now it shows a chat message when you successfully finish the hacking 23-08
  • Added DeleteEntity() when the truck reach the end of the route. 24-08
  • Added one more car in front of the van. 24-08
  • All cars(except the van) now have 4 cops in it. 24-08
  • Fixed the bug where the money was being doubled. 24-08
  • Fixed the bug where the briefcase was spawning one more time after the robbery. 24-08
  • Fixed the bug where the first time you sucessfully manage to hack the mini-game, the cars would not appear. 13/09

To do

  • Semi random places for the truck to go.
  • Do a warning call with all the available cops in the city.
  • Add a chainsaw animation or a thermite animation, so there is no need to add a stickybomb on the server.


  • No money is given when you finish the robbery (standalone version).

Please, if you can, report any bugs you see and if you have any ideas of improvement, go ahead and let me know.


Any specific framework needed?

Nope, it’s a standalone.

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What’s the error?

I have the same mistake
Does VRP work?

kill them all and don’t explode

Maybe you should give full credits to the original author of the script. Both you and I knows where you got the original code from.

has the problem of going to the parking lot and hitting the parades, use vrp 1.5.

Can somone add a video of this script so we can see how it works before we download it?

Here’s how it works.

You go to Lesters house (not marked on the map) and do a hacking minigame. Once you complete it, an armoured vehicle is marked on the map (both times for me it was west coast, other side of the map.)

2 errors I noticed.

1- No money given (esx) I know this is easy to add myself but I assumed picking up the suitcase that spawned would give cash.

2- The vehicle kept despawning when I tried to drive to it. I needed to teleport myself to it to actually complete it.

I hope that you add credits. https://github.com/FiveM-Scripts/SecurityVans


You’re right, i should at least give him some credits. Thanks for the reminder, editing the post now.

Original author?? I copied about 10-12 lines of that script (which is in the credits now, thanks to you), maximum… You should at least compare both of them before talking nonsense.

Thanks, fixing it now.

Strange, the second error never happened to me, i’m trying to induce him for at least 10 tries, nothing until now… Now it shows on the map the Lester house, i added a few things, please, re-download. Thanks for the feedback, working on the money fix as we speak.

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please can make a video tutorial of the script

It’s pretty simple… I will drop a video today.

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:rofl: told

Try the VRPex improved version.

Video is out.