[RELEASE][STANDALONE][OPTIONAL ESX] /Me, /Do & /Try - A More Realistic FiveM RolePlay Script

Me, Do & Try

Pulled up:

You can get hoaaiww_me_do_try here.

How is it looks like?

Above head:

And how it looks like in the chat?
Already repaired? Easy… /do makes it happened!
Do you want a more realistic way? Ok, Fine… /try will do that!
Happy days! It was successful! I hope next time it won’t be unsuccessful… :wink:

Does in-game name bothering? Too much Metagaming? Want to disable? Easy!

  • Go to config.cfg and set false the next:
Config.EnablePlayerName     = true

Result: (It affect the 3D text too)
You can even turn off chat messages if you don’t like it or if it’s just don’t needed.

How is this work?

Its a simple customized Me, Do & Try actions in one script you can use!

How to use the commands?

  • /Me [action] - Make an action
  • /Do [happening] - Make a happening
  • /Try [action to try] - Make an action which has a chance to success or not success

How to install

  • Git hoaaiww_me_do_try as downloading the Source Code (zip)
  • Extract hoaaiww_me_do_try-main.rar
  • Remove -main from hoaaiww_me_do_try
  • Copy and paste hoaaiww_me_do_try folder to resources
  • Add ensure hoaaiww_me_do_try to your server.cfg file

Customizable script!

  • You can edit the configurations of the script in the config.lua
  • You can even log these commands to your discord server! You can enable it in config.lua by setting true instead of false at Config.LogDiscord!
Config.LogDiscord           = false
Config.LogWebhook           = "Your Webhook Url"


  • Nothing :smiley:

  • OPTIONAL: ESX (If you want to use ESX player names in text)


Any showcase? preview? screenshot?


Gave it a go - I like the concept, but for some reason the drawtext shows above everybody’s head who isn’t within the config difference.


@Skeetzy Thank you for your feedback! I’m going to fix the issue!


Awesome! Going to be using it once that’s fixed. Was kind of a funny bug, didn’t tell my players I turned it on, went to test with 1 person, then suddenly OOC was filled with “what the hell was that?” :rofl:


@Skeetzy I found out that the script works perfectly for me.
If the player is out of the distance then the 3D text and the chat message won’t show.

Could you send me a video about your issue?

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It’s done boss! :crown:

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Good Job :slight_smile:

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hey, I have a problem with your script - when I type any command from your script, then every player can see that above their heads… Can you help me please?

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it doesnt work for me “/do is not a correct command.” same with “try” and “me”

This script is very much not standalone… It has a listed dependency of es_extended and also MySQL Async… do you have a verison that does not have these dependecies?
Please read message below, it’s not required but it is listed in the fxmanafest as a dependency, even if you don’t plan to use it.

I can comment out the es_extended part for non use of names (changed that in the files to grab the player’s username instead) but for the sql we use Oxmysql so I changed the exports (as it supports MySQL-Async) however they script is still not doing anything when the commands are ran.

Slowly fixing this script. For everyone have the issue of the script not starting properly head to line 143 in the server.lua and replace the last 3 ` with ". Still looking into getting it working fully though

No. It can be standalone and ESX too. It you want to use your ESX RP name (from database) you can enable it. If you do not want to use RP names then you can disable it, so it doesn’t require either es_extended and mysql_async also.

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I am able to fix the script today. So you do not have to worry about that, and I am sorry for that I did not fix this a long time ago. :wink:

I have already edited the script to fix all the issues and allow for use of the Players Username. If you would like I can send you this version so you can update it here. I will add another config option for “ShowPlayerUsername” so people can enable that if they so choose. I’ll make a PR on the GitHub

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The only thing I could not fix was the little icon, does not seem to want to show up. I am still looking into that one

Also have the issue of the text appearing above everyone’s head, and the message in chat being global and not limited to the area it was typed in (not sure if this has to do with it appearing above everyone’s head, but wouldn’t want to see mechanics working on cars in LS whilst on a traffic stop in Paleto for example)

not working for me, I just installed this resource 0 problems/errors but when I type /me ‘text’ nothing happen

i have this script, have no errors, but nothing happens when typing command