[RELEASE] [STANDALONE] Advanced Ped Spawner

Droopies Ped Creator

With this ped spawner you can easily manage, configure, and create peds on your server. Everything is server side so you can keep ped locations secret against dumpers.


(GitHub - Droopies/droopies-peds: Advanced Ped Creator)


Can we see pictures! It helps make your post pop!

Not much context I can give other then it spawns peds. Lmao

Not much context I can give other then it spawns peds. Lmao

I mean; Ofcourse you can. Can you configure the ped speech/voice? can you make the peds aggressive? can you select the ped you want to use? how about typing in the name of the ped you want to spawn? can you give them animations?

Either way; I’ve been looking for some ped spawning scripts and ill definitely try this one out! :slight_smile:

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How do you use it? Like is there a key to open a menu or a command?

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I bet you can do it via sv_npcs.lua file.

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You gotta be kidding me with “not much context I can give”.

Do the peds spawn in at a specific location then walk around, do they stand still doing an animation, are they able to be damaged, do they have text above their head?

Don’t be lazy. Make a showcase. It takes 5 minutes.


If you took 10 seconds to read the code you would know what it did. Look at sv_npcs it literally explains what you just asked. If somebody looks at it and doesn’t understand it’s not my fault they don’t understand basic lua.

I did go to look at the code, then I realised there were 6 separate client side scripts and I’m not wasting my time reading through disorganised code.

Stop blaming others for your mistakes. Still cracking up over the whole, “not much context I can give” comment. Funny stuff. “All you have to do is open the code and read through it all! It’s easy, no need for showcase!”

local Peds = {
    [1] = {
        id = 'testped',
        position = {
            coords = vector3(30.33, -1347.21, 29.5),
            heading = 327.50723266602,
        pedType = 0,
        model = 'a_f_m_fatcult_01',
        networked = false,
        distance = 10.0,
        settings = {
            { mode = 'invincible', active = true },
            { mode = 'ignore', active = true },
            { mode = 'freeze', active = true },
        animation = {testdic = 'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch' , testanim = 'base' }

is this the right way to do it ?

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Hey how use the blip ?

how do i tweak it to spawn multiple peds in different locations?

Failed to load script @droopies-peds/server/sv_fetching.lua.

nevermind it doesnt even work

Crappiest reply ever…no wonder nobody downloaded it. You can keep it and your lousy attitude too