Smoke Trails For All Aircraft - (Paid Resource)
One smoke trail isn’t enough? Two smoke trails aren’t enough? How about three then?
Support all aircrafts
Supports 5 smoke positions (All, Back, Wings, LeftWing, RightWing)
No weird cloud puffs
Full RGB/HEX customization for each smoke trail (With UI)
Support for macros (For Airshows)
Adjustable Key (In settings.ini) Keys Can Be Found Here
Smoke data gets saved for the next launch (server side)
One sync Compatible
/smoke [type(All or a, Back or b, Wings or w, LeftWing or lw, RightWing or rw)] (This changes the smoke trails positions)
/smokesize [decimal size] (Change the smoke size, MIN 0.5, MAX 5)
/smokecolour (No arguments to open the menu)
/copysmoke [id] (Copy Another Player’s Smoke Trails [Useful for teams])
Macro Usage
/smokecolour [rgb values between 0 - 255] (To change the color)
/smokecolour 255 255 255 (this will make the back smoke colour white)
/smokecolour -1 255 0 255 0 0 (this will not change the back smoke color since we put -1 and the left-wing smoke colour will become red)
/smokecolour 255 0 -1 255 -1 -1 0 255 0 (this will leave the Back and the Left-Wing smoke colour and will change only the left-wing)
So /smokecolour be bg bb lwr lwg lwb rwr rwg rwb
Purchase the resource from our Tebex Store .
Check your email (And Spam Folder) for the resource
Place the resource files in your server’s resources folder!
No setup needed this works for all planes
Okay, this is really awesome. Fantastic work on this. I don’t like the UI, but other than that, the concept of the resource is such an awesome idea! Best of luck with sales!
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I own this script its a lit Script I honestly love it, I think I responded to this on the wrong account but 100% suggest getting this script. Its worth the money. - Noah A
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thanks, man, I didn’t get to work a lot on the UI sorry. I might roll an update for that later.
thanks mate, glad to know you like it!
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I mean it is custom HTML so probs can be customized to a Clients Needs if they know JS If ya want I can help out on that!
yea it can be customized but sure!
December 3, 2020, 11:07pm
So to confirm this works on all planes like as in add on custom planes?
@JamieM8 yes! all types of planes even addons! and no configuration needed
Hmmm finally a resource that’s worth asking money for it. Not sure if i want to pay 45,- but it looks good.
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thank you, it is actually 25$
Oh oops. We will consider this again
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this is awsome and consume a little cpu resource from the client.
dev is also cool, he is reworking the script now to support onesync infinity
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i dont have money for it but if i did i would get it
still available? and does it work in vRP?
Yes, it is available and its standalone it works with any framework
So the server i play on has this but for some reason no smoke at all
either the server you play on has a nonlegal version or they installed it incorrectly, be sure that after your purchase you will be provided with enough support to make sure the script is running on Your Own Server
When someone changes the smoke colour, size or location it changes for everyone making it impossible to use for display teams. Help would be apreciated!
Heyy contact our support team we will help you fix this issue