[Release] Simple Spawning | Spawn Manager

Simple Spawning

What is it?

Simple spawning is just what the name implies. It is a very simple spawn management system. This is based on my code from simple AOP. Is your community always statewide, but yet you want to control the spawn points? Wish no longer! With Simple Spawning, you are able to set an unlimited amount of spawn points for your players. A random spawn point will be selected from the list and the player will be started there.

How do I use it?

Using it is very simple. All you need to do is download the resource (below in ‘Download it!’) and put it in your resources file. You will then need to add “start simpleSpawn” in your server.cfg. You can customize the spawn locations in the client.lua file. There a lot of spawn locations already there spread all across the map, from Paleto Bay to Grove Street. Feel free to delete those and make your own list!

Download it!

Direct Download


Uhh no… This is a spawn manager… I guess I could take pictures of my player in game? Nah…

Known Bugs

No known bugs. Lets keep it that way.


Great release! I’ll check it out :slight_smile:

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You know there is a default resource called spawnmanager which does exactly this right? Pretty sure you aren’t allowed to release alternate versions of it.

This simply teleport’s the player after they have already spawned, it doesn’t replace a base/core script, just builds off of it. I actually made this off of a specific request from the Simple AOP script, in which someone requested a standalone spawn management system.

Again, this does not actually replace the spawn manager. Simply teleports the user after they have already spawned to a pre-determined position. I did not use, edit, or manipulate any code from the spawnmanager resource, nor is this a replacement for spawnmanager, so I would not consider it an ‘alternate version.’

I believe Smallo, just like me, is confused what this gives that spawnmanager + mapmanager doesn’t. The map system allows you to specify an arbitrary amount of spawnpoints (your example as map.lua), considering a map is already required this seems like the easier solution.

Does it? I honestly have never played around with any of the core scripts such as spawnmanager, nor really ever opened it up - I merely got a request from a user on my forum post about my AOP manager to create a standalone spawn management script.

I have never viewed the spawn manager - I suppose if these are already built in functions then it was just ignorance by the requester and myself to not solve that situation natively. Appears to be ignorance at its best then. I will mark this entire thread for deletion.


(also, appreciate the facepalm. I admit it was ignorance. :heart:)

Upon request of OP