[RELEASE] Simple-Loading-Screen-v1.0

A simple loading screen

Step 1: Download the files.
Step 2: Go to config.js and modify data
Step 3: Create a folder name loading_screen in your server resources folder.
Step 5: Add “start loading_screen” in your server.cfg
Preview: https://i.gyazo.com/c493bef0889144ebe5706ed69372d58d.mp4

Couldn’t post in the releases forum that’s why I am posting it in the discussion.

Note: To change the default background simply replace any jpeg image with the name ‘bg.jpg’
Feel free to ask any questions.



Moved to #development:releases

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Nice mate. :slight_smile:

This would be sick if you added a music feature to it! But great work :slight_smile:

You can add music I believe… just takes a little coding if Im not wrong.

Read this if you want to add background music

Would be a lot better if you added music. And people that dont know anything about coding, the link that you sent probably wont change anything! Highly recommend to add music in a future update.

Awesome. Very helpful for someone like me that doesnt know a lot about coding/scripts and just has a server for a few friends to mess around on. Thanks
And a dumb question if anyone is able to help, if I dont want any “rules” how do I get rid of the black box on the loading screen where the rules would be listed?

IS there a way to get rid of that water mark? The ‘‘Made by Ghost’’ thing…

why would you want to get rid of it? he spent time making it so he deserves to be credited when you use his resource

Yeah, true. But I found a better one so It’s fine.

Can you reupload it or does anybody have it?