[Release] Simple Hacking Minigame

Since I am new to the forums and don’t have enough trust to post in the releases section I have merged a this resource with another to allow a player to hack open the vault door at the Pacific Standard. Here is the Virus Scan

Credit goes to @zr0iq and @Flatracer

It’s a bit messy but here it is.


I would like to have it :open_mouth:

I have put it in my original post. Hope this doesn’t violate forum rules.

thx bro

Im trying to get this minigame to unlock doors from esx_doorlock, can anyone help me?

I have gotten it to work with it.

how did you get it to work with esx doorlocks?

its actually a bit broken, trying to fix it now

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can you make just for fx sever non-esx or vrp ?

not if it uses esx resources.

i use vrp…

So then that would be a no.

you can make fx by using dRdoors i think

Good luck with that

just post it i will try to conver to vrp

how to become hacker or how to use hacker phone?

how to use this script? ı dont understand

I have created a Hacker job and a hacker menu. Buy I need help for integrating this script into menu, can anybody help with that? I tried a few things and I was able to start it but it wasn’t working correct (menu doesn’t close when game started) (the line ‘which is supposed to be 3 blocks wide’ is 18 blocks wide.)

Could anyone help me figure out why the mhacking will not hide. If it is success or fail the tool stays on the screen and i have to force quit FiveM to try again.

while GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playerCoords, hackCoords) < 0.5 do
				playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
				ESX.Game.Utils.DrawText3D(hackCoords, "[~g~E~s~] Hack Motion Sensor", 0.4)
				if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then
					TriggerEvent("mhacking:show") --This line is where the hacking even starts
					TriggerEvent("mhacking:start",7,19,mycb) --
				function mycb(success, timeremaining)
					if success then
						print('Success with '..timeremaining..'s remaining.')

Do It Like That! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAFHT6xnRbM&t=1096s