[Release] Simple AOP | Select AOP and set Spawn Points!

What is it?

Simple AOP is a basic script that allows you to update the games AOP.

As you can see the image, it will send a global message when the AOP has changed. You can also see in the middle that there is a privilege check system. You can add/remove people who can update your games AOP in the server.lua script.

What is different about YOUR AOP script?

Fantastic question. I was actually looking for an already made AOP script that allowed you to specify spawn points for new players. Either I am bad at searching, or one just isn’t released. So, I made my own. I am a man of giving back, so I figured I would release it as well, because why not. I know a lot of small communities do not have the luxury of having their own developers.

So, this script does just what I mentioned. Did you die? Well, you are spawning in a random spawn point in the AOP (spawn points located in server.lua). Just join in? No problem! You will spawn within the Area of Play!

What is required?

Nothing. Completely standalone.

How do I install it?

Simply drag the file ‘activeAOP’ to your resources folder, and add the command
‘start activeAOP’ to your server config.

How do I configure it?

Configuration is extremely easy. There are 2 different scripts that have settings you can change.
The first script is client.lua. This script allows you to customize the text the user will see. At the top of the file, you will see two separate tables. The first table, called text1, is the text that prefaces the Area of Play name (by default, says "Area of Play: "). The second table, called aopTextInfo, is the actual text that will display the active Area of Play.

Those tables have settings such as setting the position, color, transparency, or even the text itself.

You can also change settings in the server.lua script. This script is where the magic happens, so to speak. At the top of the file are the instructions for how to create new AOPs, and how to set the spawn locations. It is all held within a single table, so it is very easy to follow.

Known Bugs

None at this point :man_shrugging: If you find any, please let me know!


activeAOP.rar (Version 1.0 - None ACE Permissions)
activeAOP.rar (Version 1.0 - ACE Permissions)


@imsarge’s script helped me get started. Theirs was the first one I saw, and whenever I was stuck, I referred to see how they did it.


Not bad sir.

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function canChange(player)
    local allowed = false
    for i,id in ipairs(CanChangeAOP) do
        for x,pid in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(player)) do
            if string.lower(pid) == string.lower(id) then
                allowed = true
    return allowed

Why don’t you use ACE permissions, they’re a lot easier to work with imo and relying on steam IDs doesn’t seem sane to me. Especially as you might have servers that don’t require clients to have Steam open.


I’ve honestly never used ACE permissions; though I have seen some documentation. May be a future update.

Cool and great script, this is going to be very helpful for many servers

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Would be cool if you can make it so if their is x amount of players it sets aop to set location. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the suggestion!

Awesome! Looking forward to the ACE perms version. With the size of our community I shy away from steam ID stuff (too much to maintain). Looks great tho.

Once I get home this evening I will be playing with it. Should be updated tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for the feedback.

totally dumb question but how do u set aop?

Nvm lol

ACE Permissions have been added. Was a lot easier than I thought. Now, just put the name of the ACE groups you want to have access to it in the ‘CanChangeAOP’ table.

ACE Permissions have been added. Was a lot easier than I thought. Now, just put the name of the ACE groups you want to have access to it in the ‘CanChangeAOP’ table.

You’re awesome! Thank you!

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Love it, since this is a spawn manager as well would a standalone spawn resource be available? Or maybe create a spawn manager resource similar to this?

Apparently you can edit the plugins mapmanager + spawnmanager in order to accomplish custom spawn points, something I had not learned yet. I am still learning stuff every day. Hopefully this helps Rage!

i have two questions the AOP: i switched to “set AOP:” but now my sandy shores is like so far away from the set aop text how do i move it over? just the text “Sandy shores” Then my second question is how do i change the AOP via /command?

How do you set AOP @SimpleX. I’m so confused and really need to know.

I know i’m dumb but oh well

I have your ACE permissions version and it doesn’t acknowledge my groups at all. I’ve tried making changes, but I am uncertain how you have it setup.

Any guidance? I want my Admins really to be the only ones changing the AOP and my ace permissions have group.admin as is default in FiveM.