[Release] Security Cams

No Idea! Haven’t had above 11 or whatever. Maybe I will look into it someday!

Okay, good :slight_smile:

Just break your cameras up into areas. The limit is 11 per area.

Here I leave many of the cameras of the banks that did not have the cameras.

config.lua (5.3 KB) The banks that are in these lines of code are from the Standard Pacific Bank, the bank that is close to the central garage and police station, the Paleto Bay bank, the Lester mission bank and the jewelry store.

Attentively Thecrafteattor

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how can you rotate the camera?

Hello, Can you make a guide on how to add cameras to stores and other places?

with numpad key

**Hello , can you tell me how to add new menu for seaport cameras ?? **

seaportCamLabel = {label = _U(‘seaport’)},
seaportCameras = {
{label = _U(‘scam’), x = 815.84, y = -3232.17, z = 13.48, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 28.05}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam2’), x = 868.72, y = -3185.61, z = 12.41, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 100.29}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam3’), x = 822.93, y = -2999.51, z = 25.32, r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 90.46}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam4’), x = 789.34, y = -2951.0, z = 12.54, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 90.01}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam5’), x = 893.56, y = -2975.91, z = 13.91, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 230.95}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam6’), x = 1146.43, y = -3162.32, z = 14.11, r = {x = -40.0, y = 0.0, z = 100.49}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam7’), x = 1222.42, y = -2937, z = 18.14, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 50.50}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘scam8’), x = 1242.57, y = -3110.08, z = 18.92, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 50.50}, canRotate = true}

anyone have it to where they still see “Press E to open cameras” after you open the camera?

Anyone encounter the problems with RadarWhileDriving script and the camera script after you looked att the camera’s the radar start flashing and won’t stop?

Thanks in advance.

i think its broken or am i just stupid D: cant get it to work anymore.

Edit: cheked console and im getting this, trying to troubleshoot 2:41 in the morning isnt a god idea

How would I go about making this be setup to a command and not a proximity thing?
Trying to make it to where if someone is robbing it the cops can use a command to see cameras and not the blip

just turn your radar on and off in the settings tab of your game and it should fix this issue happend to me during testing and this fixed it for me every time i looked into the cameras

Hi, Is there a solution to render cam in TV? (render target)

policeCamLabel = {label = _U(‘police_station’)},
policeCameras = {
{label = _U(‘pcam1’), x = -1141.0, y = -844.24, z = 17.6, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 250.0}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam2’), x = -1039.96, y = -844.04, z = 13.5, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 100.29}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam3’), x = -1094.0, y = -820.2, z = 7.8, r = {x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 90.46}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘pcam4’), x = -1089.16, y = -826.88, z = 7.7, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 90.01}, canRotate = true},
{label = _U(‘pcam5’), x = -1105.48, y = -830.08, z = 25.0, r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 230.95}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam6’), x = -1100.96, y = -849.72, z = 28.72, r = {x = -40.0, y = 0.0, z = 311.5}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam7’), x = -1100.16, y = -845.16, z = 33.0, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 215.0}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam8’), x = -1100.16, y = -845.16, z = 36.5, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 215.0}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam9’), x = -1096.4, y = -843.2, z = 15.76, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 180.0}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam10’), x = -1096.12, y = -843.28, z = 12.48, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 180.0}, canRotate = false},
{label = _U(‘pcam11’), x = -1097.32, y = -844.4, z = 7.0, r = {x = -30.0, y = 0.0, z = 180.0}, canRotate = false}

The Cams i turned to canRotate = false still can turn.

Any suggestions?

what does the r={x…
and how do I find what goes there/coordinate if needed. Sorry, I am new to this!

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In the future, do you think you could make a tablet to connect to these? This would be good, as you could sit outside a location and know exactly where they are from the cameras.

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Beautiful work, if only i could figure out why it wont take extra names for the list of cameras

hey in your script what does this mean becuas ei cant figure it out image

How do we place put the script to certain places?