[Release] Seatbelt UPDATED

Anyone else getting the problem where you can hear other people using the seat belt from anywhere on the map, if you do have this problem and figured out how to fix it, please tell me, Thank you =)

Got the same problem, haven’t found a fix did, did you have any luck?

Nah, I just disabled the sound. I believe its because the sound part was triggered as a server event.

I have the same problem there

Is there an option to start the sound when the motor is on instead when you enter in the car?

Its not working for my server(my one is vrp,fxserver) . It says Seatbelt not found. where as i put the “seatbelt” & “interaction sound” properly on resource and server.cfg files

To reduce annoyance I changed the bottom of the main.lua to :

while true do
if not beltOn and wasInCar == true then

	--------- TÀÀltÀ voit muuttaa ÀÀntÀ, kun turvavyö ei ole pÀÀllÀ -------- TÀssÀ ----------
	--------- Here you can change sounds, when seatbelt is off ------------- Here -----------
            TriggerServerEvent('InteractSound_SV:PlayWithinDistance', 0.3, 'seatbelt', 0.3)


Sound only pops once a minute. To reduce noise change the 0.3.
Sound is not playing when exiting the vehicle neither.

I just changed the file, making it 1 bip and a bit less noise also


How can I take out the belt in this side of the truck?


Dose any one have this working with Mythic Notifcations

Can’t see anything in the code about the seatbelt actually doing anything other than annoying you with a sound effect?

does anyone know how to disable other seatbelt hotkeys this one is f11 and the other is letter b i dont know where located this

Hi, I’m no longer supporting this script. This script is so easy that you may need to use the FiveM Search Tool or Google to resolve the issue. I will be updating the script in the future.

Hmm, i will make support this

how can i remove the animation

how can i add a command for belt-on and belt-off ? i will put than in my radialmenu

I can’t fall out of the vehicle even tho i dont use the belt. Any solutions?

You just remove the animation text. Think it was named something “std

If there are any users looking for this seatbelt without the irritating sound when you don’t wear your seatbelt and the animation removed to fix the driving bug, reply to this message and i’ll send you a download link if the author accepts it.

Hi I don"t know why but when the belt is off I can not go through de windshield even if I go realy and crash in a wall