[Release] Save Wheel Position. No more wheel snapping!

This is my attempt at stopping the wheels on a vehicle from snapping back, its not always 100% reliable, but will work most of the time.

This currently doesn’t work with multiple vehicles, I may fix that later on however.

Finally, the download:
Click Me!



Any Issues? Let me know!


works great, thank you.

Working very nicely, thanks for all the awesome resources I’ve been seeing your name everywhere lately.

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how does this work??

This is awesome, and I am grateful for it, but next time you should show something like this off in the day time :joy: I’m not trying to be annoying or anything I just thought it was kinda silly and wanted to point that out. I think it’s amazing thought great job!

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Remember, timezones. It was 2PM over here in the UK :stuck_out_tongue:

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how do you get this to work? ive put this in my resource folders and still not working

Thanks for releasing this!

I think he means in-game time… so its light, you little tea.

Ah, it was 2 in the morning so i clearly didnt think good enough


Killing it lately, thank you!

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Something Bigger may be coming soon :tm: :wink:

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Love it, can you reply to me on discord?

You sir… are a legend! I applaud you :clap:

LOL I meant the video!!! xD

Meh, im lazy okay :stuck_out_tongue:

Understandable lol, thanks again though!

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I’ve noticed quite a lot that sometimes the wheels stay at the saved angle, and sometimes they don’t. Occurs when you enter a new vehicle and try exiting with the wheels turned.

I have found that also holding the handbreak when exiting the vehicle helps.

That and changing the Citizen.Wait( 20 ) to Citizen.Wait( 150 ) has made it work 100% of the time.