[Release] Safe Zone(s) Updated 9/10/18

can you please help me?

Again, I still dont know what you mean because you are not giving me any information.

I assume you are just asking to move what I have now to the bottom left. So here:

------------First off, many thanks to @anders for help with the majority of this script. ---------------------
------------Also shout out to @setro for helping understand pNotify better.              ---------------------
------------To configure: Add/replace your own coords in the sectiong directly below.    ---------------------
------------        Goto LINE 90 and change "50" to your desired SafeZone Radius.        ---------------------
------------        Goto LINE 130 to edit the Marker( Holographic circle.)               ---------------------
-- Place your own coords here!
local zones = {
	{ ['x'] = 1847.916015625, ['y'] = 3675.8190917968, ['z'] = 33.767009735108},
	{ ['x'] = -1688.43811035156, ['y'] = -1073.62536621094, ['z'] = 13.1521873474121 },
	{ ['x'] = -2195.1352539063, ['y'] = 4288.7290039063, ['z'] = 49.173923492432 }

local notifIn = false
local notifOut = false
local closestZone = 1

-------                              Creating Blips at the locations. 							--------------
-------You can comment out this section if you dont want any blips showing the zones on the map.--------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
		local szBlip = AddBlipForCoord(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z)
		SetBlipAsShortRange(szBlip, true)
		SetBlipColour(szBlip, 2)  --Change the blip color: https://gtaforums.com/topic/864881-all-blip-color-ids-pictured/
		SetBlipSprite(szBlip, 398) -- Change the blip itself: https://marekkraus.sk/gtav/blips/list.html
		AddTextComponentString("SAFE ZONE") -- What it will say when you hover over the blip on your map.

----------------   Getting your distance from any one of the locations  --------------------------------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	while true do
		local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true))
		local minDistance = 100000
		for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
			dist = Vdist(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z, x, y, z)
			if dist < minDistance then
				minDistance = dist
				closestZone = i

---------   Setting of friendly fire on and off, disabling your weapons, and sending pNoty   -----------------

	while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
	while true do
		local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(player, true))
		local dist = Vdist(zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z, x, y, z)
		if dist <= 50.0 then  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you can change the RADIUS of the Safe Zone. Remember, whatever you put here will DOUBLE because 
			if not notifIn then																			  -- it is a sphere. So 50 will actually result in a diameter of 100. I assume it is meters. No clue to be honest.
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>Esti in SafeZone</b>",
					type = "success",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomLeft",
					queue = "global"
				notifIn = true
				notifOut = false
			if not notifOut then
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You are in NO LONGER a SafeZone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomLeft",
					queue = "global"
				notifOut = true
				notifIn = false
		if notifIn then
		DisableControlAction(2, 37, true) -- disable weapon wheel (Tab)
		DisablePlayerFiring(player,true) -- Disables firing all together if they somehow bypass inzone Mouse Disable
      	DisableControlAction(0, 106, true) -- Disable in-game mouse controls
			if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(2, 37) then --if Tab is pressed, send error message
				SetCurrentPedWeapon(player,GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"),true) -- if tab is pressed it will set them to unarmed (this is to cover the vehicle glitch until I sort that all out)
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not use weapons in a Safe Zone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomLeft",
					queue = "global"
			if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 106) then --if LeftClick is pressed, send error message
				SetCurrentPedWeapon(player,GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"),true) -- If they click it will set them to unarmed
					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not do that in a Safe Zone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomLeft",
					queue = "global"
		-- Comment out lines 142 - 145 if you dont want a marker.
	 	if DoesEntityExist(player) then	      --The -1.0001 will place it on the ground flush		-- SIZING CIRCLE |  x    y    z | R   G    B   alpha| *more alpha more transparent*
	 		DrawMarker(1, zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z-1.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 2.0, 13, 232, 255, 155, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- heres what all these numbers are. Honestly you dont really need to mess with any other than what isnt 0.
	 		--DrawMarker(type, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, BOOL bobUpAndDown, BOOL faceCamera, int p19(LEAVE AS 2), BOOL rotate, char* textureDict, char* textureName, BOOL drawOnEnts)

You will have to change the other lines to whatever language you are using.

how can I make it appear in the picture when in SafeZone without notification, I have a letter like that on the left of the screen

when I’m in safe zone

You could try to use

                SetTextScale(0.0, 0.3)
                SetTextColour(128, 128, 128, 255)
                SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
                SetTextEdge(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
                AddTextComponentString("YOUR TEXT HERE")
                DrawText(0.005, 0.005)


“DrawText(0.005, 0.005)” are the X and Y position on the screen

if you can insert what you gave me in your script without the other notifications?

Try and replace

					text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not do that in a Safe Zone</b>",
					type = "error",
					timeout = (3000),
					layout = "bottomLeft",
					queue = "global"

with the stuff above. Learn by doing my man. Youll never learn if you dont mess around with it.

Ive never used them I just searched “Draw Text on Scren Five M”

Explains this draws the text on screen permanently if you put it in a loop. So if have it when you are in the zone, or out of the zone it should draw what you put in “YOUR TEXT HERE”

hey friend
we can still fight in the safezone if you press other key to fight it works for exemple key, mine is r i think we have two keys to fight
and can you make the peoples like in godmod because they can die if i shot them outside the circle.

you must close the fight

how can I stop notifications?

"–"at the beginning of the line

Add the three DisableControlAction lines below the if statement I have below to stop the melee attacks. This was in the original script but it was thought to be not necessary when using friendlyfire. Since you’re saying people can still be shot if they are inside the circle by people outside the circle it sounds like something is wrong on your end that’s stopping the friendlyfire setting.

		if dist <= 50 then
			DisableControlAction(0, 140, true)
			DisableControlAction(0, 141, true)
			DisableControlAction(0, 142, true)

thanks you for your answer
i fixed the fight. for the second yes you’re right i using something and i must setting it. all it’s clear
I would like to say to all it works at 100%
Thank you Anders and at davewazere
Ty a lot

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Hello I saw some servers where if you enter the security zones it only shows that you are in safezone and you do not have that blue delimiter as long as you are in the area appears written and after they do not appear that writing.

How can I get that resource?

this writing appears

code it yourself, I have seen you going around making topics and asking about this the entire day

How can we disable more keys? like R coz R button do the punch.

http://docs.fivem.net/game-references/controls/ Look up the keys you would like to disable. That simple

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As anders said:

Add the three DisableControlAction lines below the if statement I have below to stop the melee attacks. This was in the original script but it was thought to be not necessary when using friendlyfire.

		if dist <= 50 then
			DisableControlAction(0, 140, true)
			DisableControlAction(0, 141, true)
			DisableControlAction(0, 142, true)

Actually i tried that and didnt work “davewazere” but it was my fault i forgot the " ) " lol im dumb, thank you coz u remind me to read again your answer correct X_X

Hey i have on Question. How can i set that me as a Admin can Shoot inside (Permission) ?
Can i set this with the Steam ID oder License or something else and how looks the Script like?

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You could use IsPlayerAceAllowed() in the code and just end instead of affecting said players with the aces.

And add the aces in your server cfg. Other than that I’m not sure how to have it within the file itself. Never really messed with permissions other than vrp.

I think @vespura had a really good explanation in one of his posts. I’ll find it for you

Edit. Here you go

Note that “IsPlayerAceAllowed()” is server side only. So you’ll need to check permissions on the server and then send them to the client.