I could not have done this without @anders !!! Big ups!
— 9/10/18 —
Hey guys, had to upload a quick fix that allowed players in vehicles to pull out guns and shoot, even if they left the car they would still have the gun out. For now I just made it so if you try to left click in the zone, it will set you unarmed and send another notification saying “You cant do that”. Sloppy Quick fix but hey, it works for now.
Thanks @kheire007 for pointing out the vehicle glitch
Quick fix vid
What it does!
-adds MULTIPLE safe zones around the map
-disable FF, so if someone is in the zone they can not be shot from someone outside of the zone.
-force any weapons in your hands to be put away.
-display a notification when you enter or leave the safe zone.
-display a notification when you try to access the weapon wheel saying “You can not…”
-adds blips to the map for the safe zones(can be disabled)
-add markers to the safe zones!(can be disabled)
Side notes
- I personally don’t like the marker so i have it commented out
- I have included a bunch of links and documentation within the client.lua to help you guys out with blip pics and etc.
Many Thanks to @Setro with the help on pNotify
Configure it!!!
Change the example ones, and add your own coords!
The distance is the length of a RADIUS of a circle, therefor if you put 50, it will be a zone with a 100 diameter.
The MARKER x and y scales should be WHAT YOUR DIAMETER is. So if you have 50 for the safe zone, set your marker x scale and y scale to 100!!!
Drag and drop to resources
Add start zone
to server.cfg
Here is a download 9/10/18
zone.rar (2.5 KB)
Here is a video
Here it is on GitHub
Here is the raw copy pasta
------------First off, many thanks to @anders for help with the majority of this script. ---------------------
------------Also shout out to @setro for helping understand pNotify better. ---------------------
------------To configure: Add/replace your own coords in the sectiong directly below. ---------------------
------------ Goto LINE 90 and change "50" to your desired SafeZone Radius. ---------------------
------------ Goto LINE 130 to edit the Marker( Holographic circle.) ---------------------
-- Place your own coords here!
local zones = {
{ ['x'] = 1847.916015625, ['y'] = 3675.8190917968, ['z'] = 33.767009735108},
{ ['x'] = -1688.43811035156, ['y'] = -1073.62536621094, ['z'] = 13.1521873474121 },
{ ['x'] = -2195.1352539063, ['y'] = 4288.7290039063, ['z'] = 49.173923492432 }
local notifIn = false
local notifOut = false
local closestZone = 1
------- Creating Blips at the locations. --------------
-------You can comment out this section if you dont want any blips showing the zones on the map.--------------
while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
local szBlip = AddBlipForCoord(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z)
SetBlipAsShortRange(szBlip, true)
SetBlipColour(szBlip, 2) --Change the blip color: https://gtaforums.com/topic/864881-all-blip-color-ids-pictured/
SetBlipSprite(szBlip, 398) -- Change the blip itself: https://marekkraus.sk/gtav/blips/list.html
AddTextComponentString("SAFE ZONE") -- What it will say when you hover over the blip on your map.
---------------- Getting your distance from any one of the locations --------------------------------------
while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
while true do
local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true))
local minDistance = 100000
for i = 1, #zones, 1 do
dist = Vdist(zones[i].x, zones[i].y, zones[i].z, x, y, z)
if dist < minDistance then
minDistance = dist
closestZone = i
--------- Setting of friendly fire on and off, disabling your weapons, and sending pNoty -----------------
while not NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) do
while true do
local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(player, true))
local dist = Vdist(zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z, x, y, z)
if dist <= 50.0 then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you can change the RADIUS of the Safe Zone. Remember, whatever you put here will DOUBLE because
if not notifIn then -- it is a sphere. So 50 will actually result in a diameter of 100. I assume it is meters. No clue to be honest.
text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You are in a SafeZone</b>",
type = "success",
timeout = (3000),
layout = "bottomcenter",
queue = "global"
notifIn = true
notifOut = false
if not notifOut then
text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You are in NO LONGER a SafeZone</b>",
type = "error",
timeout = (3000),
layout = "bottomcenter",
queue = "global"
notifOut = true
notifIn = false
if notifIn then
DisableControlAction(2, 37, true) -- disable weapon wheel (Tab)
DisablePlayerFiring(player,true) -- Disables firing all together if they somehow bypass inzone Mouse Disable
DisableControlAction(0, 106, true) -- Disable in-game mouse controls
if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(2, 37) then --if Tab is pressed, send error message
SetCurrentPedWeapon(player,GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"),true) -- if tab is pressed it will set them to unarmed (this is to cover the vehicle glitch until I sort that all out)
text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not use weapons in a Safe Zone</b>",
type = "error",
timeout = (3000),
layout = "bottomcenter",
queue = "global"
if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 106) then --if LeftClick is pressed, send error message
SetCurrentPedWeapon(player,GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"),true) -- If they click it will set them to unarmed
text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>You can not do that in a Safe Zone</b>",
type = "error",
timeout = (3000),
layout = "bottomcenter",
queue = "global"
-- Comment out lines 142 - 145 if you dont want a marker.
if DoesEntityExist(player) then --The -1.0001 will place it on the ground flush -- SIZING CIRCLE | x y z | R G B alpha| *more alpha more transparent*
DrawMarker(1, zones[closestZone].x, zones[closestZone].y, zones[closestZone].z-1.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 2.0, 13, 232, 255, 155, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- heres what all these numbers are. Honestly you dont really need to mess with any other than what isnt 0.
--DrawMarker(type, float posX, float posY, float posZ, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float scaleX, float scaleY, float scaleZ, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, BOOL bobUpAndDown, BOOL faceCamera, int p19(LEAVE AS 2), BOOL rotate, char* textureDict, char* textureName, BOOL drawOnEnts)