Thx but is there a server sided way because I can´t tell the players on the server to change their mapping just for my server?

can you add cayo perico to it?

By any chance are you adding coordinates in the map?

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Sorry, I can’t. because I don’t have the Cayo Perico island 3d model.

You can add new tags in config or using API.

oh alright! Thank you for Clarifying!
Also Awesome work! ^^Y

Just Wondering if I have other stuff on the map that’s not from GTA will it still show up on the 3D map

No. but you can use any 3d software (e.g. 3dsmax, maya, blender) to edit the obj file, and add anything you want it display in the map.

do map blips still show on the map ?

Im confused, you show a MAP thats 3d, the minimap isnt 3D

It’s a miniature 3D version of the in-game map → 3D minimap

I ran into an issue here. For some reason, one of my labels goes thick and not in a good way.

I thought it might be because of nearby impound label, but even after removing the orange one entirely, the issue is till there

Edit.: Fixed, just needed manual adjustment for height and width values, due to long text.

Also, I read on the Wiki for this resource that there’s a bug where are sometimes “Wrong textures on some buildings”

This happened to me as well and at least in my case, it was due to models having multiple materials instead of only single one. The render always takes into consideration only the first material of each mesh.

Also, adding ability to colorize background and maybe even font for player position would be nice to have. I find it quite hard, at the first glance, to find my marker in this map when players play on custom, large scale maps. Since, you know, everyone pretty much knows classic GTA map already, but on new ones, when the camera is not being automatically centered to player’s position from the beginning, it can get a bit frustrating for some, imo.

Maybe also adding ability to visualize additional markers for racing, so people can preview track on this map prior the to race. Waypoint is helpful, but somehow to make other, custom markers to be transferable from scripts like RAHE racing to this map would be fantastic!

Just a feedback, otherwise great work!

@Akkariin, could you change the script so it would always zoom in towards the player and not world 0 coordinates?