[Release] RC-New Shop | ESX Framework

Hello FiveM Community :wave:

This script brings a new style to your server. The shop is a complete NUI and therefore almost independent of the ESX UI.



put in script.cfg

RC-NewShop.rar (57.9 KB)

start RC-NewShop



Thank you for reading and don’t forget to leave your feedback


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Nice shop great job :wink:

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Thanks bro! :heart:

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I’m surprised its free man, Very Clean work :robot:

Great job, add page or scrollbar for more product :slight_smile:

Very nuce just one question can players own the shops

Yes, I don’t script long for FiveM, that’s why I don’t want to sell scripts that don’t run perfectly in the end and thanks for your nice feedback :heart:

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No is a public shop

thanks for your feedback.:heart: Yes, I’ll see if I change that in the next few days

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you should make a option for the shops to be player owned great work

Great idea! I’ll write it down and see if I can implement it

nice release unsure about the cloud thing on the bottom tho … apart from that nice work 8/10 :wink:

Thank you very much;) You can also easily remove the clouds. All you have to do is remove the line with the id wave in the html file

How to do the command line to duplicate the coordinates in the stores?

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How to create multi location?

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Hiya, Nice release. Im using this currently as a shop to be used for my alternate currency called tickets.
and i had to raise the position of the z coord of the shop for it to work also as i think it sits inside the floor boards.

edit :
adds check so people cant buy with negative balances, and adds notification with t-notify.

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

AddEventHandler("rc-shop:buybread", function()
local _source = source
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)

 if xPlayer.getAccount('tickets').money < Config.Prices.bread then

TriggerClientEvent('t-notify:client:Custom', source, {
    style = 'example',
    duration = 6000,

    message = 'Not enough tickets',
    sound = true,
    custom = true


    xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('tickets', Config.Prices.bread)
    xPlayer.addInventoryItem("bread", 1)