[RELEASE] [QBCore] dan_multichar

[RELEASE] [QBCore] dan_multichar

Hello, I’m Dan. I wanted to share one of my first ever scripts that I made in React. Although I’m now uploading this script, it’s very outdated and old, however, everything should still work as intended. This script is no longer developed and therefore support will not be provided. Furthermore, everything is open source and free to use/edit as you wish.

Where to install?



  • QBCore


  • This resource can be “drag n dropped” into your QBcore server as it is fully integrated and replaces qb-multicharacter


Unfortunately I will not be providing support for this resource as it’s very outdated.


Finally some good Multicharacter for QBcore!!! Love it :brown_heart:


wow and you released it for free! you’re the real G!

thanks bro … is so beauty

youre the GOAT

if your not going to provide support, can you atleast provide an unencrypted js file? so us server owners can update it work will current versions?

It is unencrypted, however it is made in React, so unless you have knowledge with React/Typescript you won’t be able to edit the UI

Ah…Well crap