[RELEASE] [QB/ESX] Advanced Diving Job

:diving_mask: β€’ KVL Diving Job is designed for servers who love detail and innovation!


β€’ It is compatible with QB and ESX framework
β€’ Carefully selected animations
β€’ Advanced features working with qb-target & ox-target
β€’ No job requirement to work
β€’ 0.0ms resmon

β€’ :new: 15 different box locate
β€’ :1234: Feature to give a random number of random items, adjustable from config
β€’ :ocean: Realistic scuba experience
β€’ :sailboat: Boat rental option

β€’ :toolbox: The box is looted under the sea, the chest item is given as seen in the video, and when you use this item, it gives a random amount of a random item that can be adjusted from the config (each item has its own min value and maximum count).

β€’ If you encounter an error during installation or want to get more detailed information about the script before purchasing, open ⁠ticket on our discord

:tv: β€’ Preview Video

Tebex Links
:money_with_wings: β€’ OPEN SOURCE
:money_with_wings: β€’ ESCROW

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +1000
Requirements ESX & QB
Support Yes

nice work

Thanks <3

Good work

Thanks <3

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Diving :diving_mask:

KVL Diving Job

Realistic Job


[RELEASE] [QB/ESX] Advanced Diving Job