[RELEASE] Progress Bars 1.0 [STANDALONE]

Thank you all for the support. Sorry for any late help, lost internet yesterday.

@Mr.RDB I can see what you are trying to do and will look when I have time at how legacy fuel do it but that might have to be done a different way but I am willing to help and will see what I can do to help you :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I got pretty much stuck.
I wasnt able to get it working with the % going up. Since you are working with time.

Hello everyoneā€¦
Since i am new in this mods i want to thnx in advance cause i have take lots of ideas from all of you guys!!
But i have a problem . i have make a patren on the script below but the second time i try to hijack car the procces bar didnt work ā€¦ the first one work correct!

TriggerEvent(ā€œmythic_progbar:client:progressā€, {
name = ā€œhijackā€,
duration = 10000,
label = ā€œUnlock Vehicleā€,
useWhileDead = false,
canCancel = true,
controlDisables = {
disableMovement = false,
disableCarMovement = false,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = false,
animation = {
animDict = ā€œmissheistdockssetup1clipboard@idle_aā€,
anim = ā€œidle_aā€,
}, function(status)
if not status then
TriggerEvent(ā€œpNotify:SendNotificationā€, {
layout = ā€œbottomRightā€,
text = ā€œPoczułeś się dużo lepiejā€,
type = ā€œinfoā€,
theme = ā€œgtaā€,
sounds = {
sources = {ā€œnotification.wavā€}, ā€“ For sounds to work, you place your sound in the html folder and then add it to the files array in the __resource.lua file.
volume = 0.2,
conditions = {ā€œdocVisibleā€} ā€“ This means it will play the sound when the notification becomes visible.

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Itā€™s not working because this mod is not mythic progressbar

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easy and niceā€¦ great work, thx for that taskbar man

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Works great and awesome script!

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Here is a visuel update :slight_smile: Feel free to use it.

<div id="mina">
	<div id="pbar_outerdiv" style="border-radius: 25px; margin-top: 45.5%; left: 42.5%; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25); width: 15%; height: 30px; z-index: 1; position: relative;">
	<div id="pbar_innerdiv" style="border-radius: 25px; background-color: rgba(0, 161, 255, 0.95); z-index: 2; height: 100%; width: 0%;">&nbsp;</div>
	<div id="pbar_innertext" style="color: white; z-index: 3; position: absolute; top: 15%; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; font-family: 'Arial', cursive; margin-top: 2px;">0%</div>



Its not working for me

@Valvur1 To me that would look like it would work make sure you have:

  1. Not changed resource name
  2. Not chnaged any function names in the resource

If you have not changed these try taking it out of the Thread.

Hi, I have the same problem unless this is incorrect?

Have used:
exports[ā€˜progressBarsā€™]:startUI(30000, ā€œReparingā€)
TriggerEvent[ā€˜progressBarsā€™]:startUI(30000, ā€œReparingā€)
TriggerServerEvent[ā€˜progressBarsā€™]:startUI(30000, ā€œReparingā€)

no errors found

Donā€™t use those trigger, only use exports

This did not work for any exports?

Is the code correct?

The export on is correct remember to rename the file to progressBars and just use exports instead of trigger before citizens just like where you did trigger.

Ok thanks, for the recorded this is not working for me.


Well if is not working for you, you did something wrong, for its working. Simple just install the reosurce and name it ā€œprogressBarsā€. After that put it in a client script. Simple as that.

exports['progressBars']:startUI(Config.RobWaitTime * 1000, "RĆøveri")
Citizen.Wait(Config.RobWaitTime * 1000)

And there could be another script that is using repairkit too. Test in your code if its getting called with print(ā€œtestā€)
that will print a the message test in your f8 console ingame if its getting called.

Put where

How can ı use it ? can you help

It is in the post, please read before posting

Great release, Iā€™ve used this with some 75% of my mods since you posted it.
Added my two lines worth to make a closeUI export, to shut the progressBar down if something interrupts the event.