[RELEASE] Progress Bars 1.0 [STANDALONE]

these two lines are the only ones ive added soon as i get home im going to give it a try

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exports[ā€˜progressBarsā€™]:startUI(30000, ā€œReparingā€)
where should i put this?

Put this where you want the progress bar to be used. There are example of peopleā€™s code above that was working

just a question a side how did you remove you extended HUD ?

      if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
        TaskStartScenarioInPlace(playerPed, "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN", 0, true)
          exports['progressBars']:startUI(20000, "Reparing")
          SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, false)
          SetVehicleEngineOn(vehicle,  true,  true)
          TriggerEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", {text = "Vehicle has been repaired!", type = "success", timeout = 2000, layout = "centerLeft"})

Is this all i have to do?

How to like disable if not in action?

I am not sure what you mean.

To me that looks like it would work, give it a try!

I am not sure what you mean but when it hits 100% it stops the displaying of the ui

How did you remove the HUD on the Top Right .

Very nice progress bar. I have use it in lenzh_chopshop.

Edit. Forgot to say thanks! So Thank you for releasing this to us.

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I do not have one.

Like when you are doing picklocking and cansel but the ui is still there

i know you donā€™t i want to know how to remove it

Good Release, Thanks

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It would be really nice if you adjust the progressbar so that the bar if you lockpick a car, for example, and you break it off, the bar then turns red, and the text is changed to ā€œcanceledā€.


i want this can share it bro?

@Hankaws You must be sending it the wrong time and if not the just add a basic stopUI function and export that the same way and it will send type=ā€œuiā€, display=false in the function
You can add basic modifications like this.

@Kato This is not related to this topic so please go ask the forum post for whatever you are talking about. ESX ui -> go to esx forum posts

@rsbsystems Not a bad idea and I have had a few requests for stopping and stuff like that so I will add that here soon! @HankawsThis will help you too.

@MadRageBN You can share it with your friends, edit it, modify it but obviously not claim it is yours.


  1. I do not provide support for removing things like ESX UI or whatever
  2. Update coming later that has been reqested multiple times and it will allow you to disable it for example if you want to stop the action by adding it so they can stop it and the UI will stop or canceling things because they fail.

That will be out tonight with the way of how to use it.


ā€œIt is now workingā€ what do you need help with?

Good Work !
Work perfectly

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Trying to use this in LegacyFuel but it doesnt show up anything

Nice work buddy!

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