[Release] pPassword - A simple password script using Adaptive Cards™️


A simple fivem password resource using adaptive cards.

Useful links


  • Download the resource here.
  • Drop everything in a folder called ppassword (whatever you want) in your resources folder.
  • Start the resource (with webpack and yarn resources)


Everything you need is in config.json

    "serverPassword": "12345",
    "serverName": "GTALife",
    "serverWebsite": "https://www.gtaliferp.fr",
    "serverLogo": "https://gtaliferp.fr/img/logo+hi.png",

    "cardTitle": "Access denied. Please enter server's password",
    "enterText": "Enter",
    "passwordPlaceholder": "Password",
    "wrongPasswordMessage" : "This is not the right password."




Does it save people who have authenticated already? Like enter password once and never have to again?

But it could be made throughout a database I guess and then ask the password again if the new one is different

Wow, thats really dope !

Deferring connection

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Yeah I think that would make more sense. You could probably store it locally.

Hi please help me i have this error on my F8 console : https://nui-game-internal/ui/app/main.XXXXXXXXXXX.js:1, Markdown processing isn’t enabled. Please see https://www.npmjs.com/package/adaptivecards#supporting-markdown

I installed the packages and I run the build and it still does not work

Oh thank you for not releasing yet another ymap or the one millionth version of the same car.

Really good release @PichotM :stuck_out_tongue:

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btw you are not forced to build it
you can just use the already built version


pleasae help

@grusmou Use last server version :wink:

my server version is up to date

The deferring connection is causing by this error : https://nui-game-internal/ui/app/main.XXXXXXXXXXX.js:1 , Markdown processing isn’t enabled. Please see https://www.npmjs.com/package/adaptivecards#supporting-markdown

and how can i fix that can you tell me steps easier

please help me i installed it and nothing happend still

me too

me too

This doesn’t even show up for me … with the resource running i just get allowed into the server

can you check why your resource isnt working cuz some people here need it