[Release] Posted Speedlimit

Are you ingame? Im connected to the server. So I know where it is?

Just add

elseif street == "Lolita Ave" then
		speedlimit = 35

Will do, Just needed to figure out what speed would fit

It’s such a small road I just did the same speed as the ones connecting to it. Also I spelt it wrong, just fixed it.


Thanks dude i asked for this and all sad that is not possible thanks

Please add Lolita Ave so people don’t need to add it themselves

Would it be possible to make it so that you can toggle a speed limiter for the street (so your speed can’t go above it), Mafia II style? i.e. pressing Y would make it so you wouldn’t be able to go above the speed limit.

Sure, I’ll make it when I get home.

I actually got the idea from your Request! Also I meant to say Added not add xD

ive created an issue on the git, cant change the colors and the placement cant be moved, when we change lines 2 and 3 it disappears

This resource wouldnt function at all if the user was using a different language, would be better using the hash name instead of the actual name.


This is simply amazing. Would it be possible for you to make it so all of the UI / data is in one resource / package? Like move the speed limit down with the other data. Basically make the perfect UI with one resource.

A man can dream I guess.

Good work, this is amazing.

Do you mean a whole UI with AOP, Vehicle Speed, This release, gear etc?

Yes, that would be amazing. There’s also a weather one that would go perfectly with it.

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Cooool! I love it. I’ve modified it to look like the speed limit symbol in a GPS :grin:


Hi, great script. Would there also be a release making this a togleable feature in game? Or do you have a code that could work for me?

Care to share? I use the same speedo.

That is a LOT of if statements. Why not store them in a table or something much prettier?

speedlimits = {
    ["Roadname"] = 45,
    ["Road2"] = 35

Then to get the speed limit for the specific road you can just do speedlimits["Roadname"]

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Awesome resource! Moved it above the mini map, working great!image

@shinorei Can you post or PM me the coords for the position you placed it at?