[Release] PoliceEMSActivity (Emergency Blips Script)

Somehow Mine Magically Started working now

Well kind of. I can do /duty now, but I can’t see anyone. The other palyer in the server Can see me but it’s only this

Im so confused, how do I set this up. I put it in and start the resource but how do I add the discord clock in and clock out? dont know how to set it up with the discord_perms

Here is the files. I left my Discord Token blank on purpose i use it for other bot stuff.

discord_perms - config.lua

`Config = {
DiscordToken = " ",
GuildId = “647253969172955141”,

-- Format: ["Role Nickname"] = "Role ID" You can get role id by doing \@RoleName
Roles = {
	["Admin"] = "647533757397467157",
	["Moderator"] = "657312695711957015",
	["FiveM"] = "651612345801506826",
	["PD"] = "659602976318423050",--
	["FD"] = "659603066948943872",--
	-- This would be checked by doing exports.discord_perms:IsRolePresent(user, "TestRole")


PoliceEMSActivity - server.lua
-- by: minipunch
-- for: Initially made for USA Realism RP (https://usarrp.net)
-- purpose: Provide public servants with blips for all other active emergency personnel


person = {
 src = 123,
 color = 3,
 name = "Taylor Weitman"
-- Below is the roles allowed to use the command /blip 
	1 = Red
	2 = Green
	3 = Blue
	5 = Yellow
	17 = Orange
	Color Info obtained from: https://wiki.■■■■■■■■■■■/index.php?title=Blips
-- CONFIG --
roleList = { 
	['👮 LEO | '] = {659602976318423050, 3, 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t'},
	['👨‍🚒 Fire/EMS | '] = {659603066948943872, 1, 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t'},

-- CODE --
	while true do 
		-- We wait a second and add it to their timeTracker 
		Wait(1000); -- Wait a second
		for k, v in pairs(timeTracker) do 
			timeTracker[k] = timeTracker[k] + 1;
timeTracker = {}
hasPerms = {}
permTracker = {}
activeBlip = {}
onDuty = {}
prefix = '^9[^5Badger-Blips^9] ^3';
AddEventHandler("playerDropped", function()
	if onDuty[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
		local tag = activeBlip[source];
		local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3];
		if webHook = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
			local time = timeTracker[source];
			local now = os.time();
			local startPlusNow = now + time;
			local minutesActive = os.difftime(now, startPlusNow) / 60;
			minutesActive = math.floor(math.abs(minutesActive))
			sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now off duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone off duty as ' .. tag, 
			'Duration: ' .. minutesActive .. ' minutes',
				webHook, 16711680)
	timeTracker[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
	onDuty[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
	permTracker[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
	hasPerms[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
	activeBlip[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
	-- Remove them from Blips:
	TriggerEvent('eblips:remove', source)
function sendToDisc(title, message, footer, webhookURL, color)
	local embed = {}
	embed = {
			["color"] = color, -- GREEN = 65280 --- RED = 16711680
			["title"] = "**".. title .."**",
			["description"] = "** " .. message ..  " **",
			["footer"] = {
				["text"] = footer,
	-- Start
	-- TODO Input Webhook
	function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = name, embeds = embed}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' })
  -- END
RegisterCommand('duty', function(source, args, rawCommand)
	-- The /blip command to toggle on and off the cop blip  
	if hasPerms[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
		if onDuty[source] == 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
			local colorr = roleList[activeBlip[source]][2];
			local tag = activeBlip[source];
			local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3];
			if webHook = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then
				sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now on duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone on duty as ' .. tag, '',
					webHook, 65280)
			TriggerEvent('eblips:add', {name = tag .. GetPlayerName(source), src = source, color = colorr}); 
			sendMsg(source, 'You have toggled your emergency blip ^2ON ^3and your Blip-Tag is: ' .. tag)
			onDuty[source] = true;
			timeTracker[source] = 0;
			TriggerClientEvent('PoliceEMSActivity:GiveWeapons', source);
			onDuty[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
			local tag = activeBlip[source];
			local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3];
			if webHook = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then
				local time = timeTracker[source];
				local now = os.time();
				local startPlusNow = now + time;
				local minutesActive = os.difftime(now, startPlusNow) / 60;
				minutesActive = math.floor(math.abs(minutesActive))
				sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now off duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone off duty as ' .. tag, 
				'Duration: ' .. minutesActive .. ' minutes',
					webHook, 16711680)
			TriggerClientEvent('PoliceEMSActivity:TakeWeapons', source);
			timeTracker[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t';
			sendMsg(source, 'You have toggled your emergency blip ^1OFF')
			TriggerEvent('eblips:remove', source)
		-- You are not a cop, you must be a cop in our discord to use it 
		sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: You must be an LEO on our discord to use this...')
RegisterCommand('cops', function(source, args, rawCommand) 
	-- Prints the active cops online with a /blip that is on 
	sendMsg(source, 'The active cops on are:')
	for id, _ in pairs(onDuty) do 
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^9[^4' .. id .. '^9] ^0' .. GetPlayerName(id));
function sendMsg(src, msg) 
	TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', src, prefix .. msg);
RegisterCommand('bliptag', function(source, args, rawCommand)
	-- The /blipTag command to toggle on and off the cop blip 
	if hasPerms[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
		if #args == 0 then 
			-- List out which ones they have access to 
			sendMsg(source, 'You have access to the following Blip-Tags:');
			for i = 1, #permTracker[source] do 
				-- List 
				TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^9[^4' .. i .. '^9] ^0' .. permTracker[source][i]);
			-- Choose their bliptag 
			local selection = args[1];
			if tonumber(selection) = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
				local sel = tonumber(selection);
				local theirBlips = permTracker[source];
				if sel <= #theirBlips then
					-- Set up their tag
					local tag = activeBlip[source];
					local webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3];
					if onDuty[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
						local time = timeTracker[source];
						local now = os.time();
						local startPlusNow = now + time;
						local minutesActive = os.difftime(now, startPlusNow) / (24 * 60);
						sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now off duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) 
							.. ' has gone off duty as ' .. tag, '**Duration:** ' .. minutesActive,
							webHook, 16711680)
						timeTracker[source] = 0;
					activeBlip[source] = permTracker[source][sel];
					sendMsg(source, 'You have set your Blip-Tag to ^1' .. permTracker[source][sel]);
					if onDuty[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t' then 
						tag = activeBlip[source];
						webHook = roleList[activeBlip[source]][3];
						sendToDisc('Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' is now on duty', 'Player ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' has gone on duty as ' .. tag, '',
							webHook, 65280) 
						local colorr = roleList[activeBlip[source]][2]
						TriggerEvent('eblips:remove', source)
						TriggerEvent('eblips:add', {name = tag .. GetPlayerName(source), src = source, color = colorr});
					-- That is not a valid selection 
					sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: That is not a valid selection...')
				-- Not a number 
				sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: That is not a number...')
		-- You are not a cop, you must be a cop in our discord to use this 
		sendMsg(source, '^1ERROR: You must be an LEO on our discord to use this...')

AddEventHandler('PoliceEMSActivity:RegisterUser', function()
	local src = source
	for k, v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(src)) do
			if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then
				identifierDiscord = v
	local perms = {}
	if identifierDiscord then
		local roleIDs = exports.discord_perms:GetRoles(src)
		if not (roleIDs == false) then
			for k, v in pairs(roleList) do 
				for j = 1, #roleIDs do
					if (tostring(v[1]) == tostring(roleIDs[j])) then
						-- They have a proper role to use it 
						table.insert(perms, k);
						activeBlip[src] = k;
						hasPerms[src] = true;
			-- Set up what roles they have access to: 
			permTracker[src] = perms;
			-- They don't have any perms 
			print("[PoliceEMSActivity] " .. GetPlayerName(src) .. " has not gotten their permissions cause roleIDs == false")
		print("[PoliceEMSActivity] " .. GetPlayerName(src) .. " has not gotten their permissions cause discord was not detected...")
	permTracker[src] = perms; 

AddEventHandler("eblips:add", function(person)
	ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[person.src] = person
	for k, v in pairs(ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL) do
		TriggerClientEvent("eblips:updateAll", k, ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL)
	TriggerClientEvent("eblips:toggle", person.src, true)

AddEventHandler("eblips:remove", function(src)
	-- remove from list --
	ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[src] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t'
	-- update client blips --
	for k, v in pairs(ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL) do
		TriggerClientEvent("eblips:remove", tonumber(k), src)
	-- deactive blips when off duty --
	TriggerClientEvent("eblips:toggle", src, false)

-- Clean up blip entry for on duty player who leaves --
AddEventHandler("playerDropped", function()
		ACTIVE_EMERGENCY_PERSONNEL[source] = 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/659832788450672641/SYp3Fq8t1K4bU21G7N-Ueha-TIN7809KTr2bt3RmzYsrG4bWOJlkCuahsVW4I8RxDM4t'

What is not working?

i did every thing still not work

Why did you change any of the original code??..

can u show me
what i hv do ?

cuz im lost bro

It explains in the main post. Read the full main post.

1- i put "role id " and “webhooks”
still when i write in chat " /duty " nothing happens
just send in discord that im on duty

What does your config look like? Also, if it’s sending the discord message, it should be working properly. This is most likely a user error. Post your config.

where do I find guild id for discord_perms

Top of discord right click the server name and copy id.

Sick Release. Keep up the good work

1 Like

You put in too many role IDs… Replace the old ones in there with the ones you want. Don’t add extra field inside the {} unless you know what you are doing.

role Ids in the police master or discord_perms?

oh I think I see what you mean. woops

I fixed it and it still doesnt work. It used to say I wasn’t in the discord till i added all the webhooks, now It doesnt say anything at all when I do /onduty.

Reference: sv_emergencyblips.lua (11.2 KB)

The command is /duty

yea thats what I meant, i t doesnt work