[Release] Police Equipment

Hello! This is my first resource that I publish on the forum, it includes body armor of various departments and a weapon to choose from: a shotgun or a carbine.
I was constantly enraged that on special operations I needed for a few minute to dig into the menu to customize the character.
I tested it for EUP.

ArmorPolice-master.zip (13.6 KB)

Download [GitHub] Click Me!

Download [GitHub] Update 1.0

PoliceEquipment-master.zip (4.8 KB)

Police outfit.

drop the resources server.
write to server.cfg or resources.sfg start ArmorPolice


/lssd /bcso /lspd /sahp /medic /traff /duty /clean

Update 1.0
This update slightly changed the code. Added medical gloves, reflective vest and weapons on command.
All additional information please refer to the file “readme”.


Click Me

If you think that such a resource already exists, please contact me so that I can specify credits.

Known bugs: The texture of the vest with long sleeves does not look very presentable.

What about the future?
Write your suggestions :wink:
Bugs you found?

Please do not distribute this resource without my consent, thank you.
Feel free to edit it to your mood :smile: :sunny:

This resource is useful and you would like to see a continuation with other parts of customization on command?

  • Yes, I would see what happens next.
  • No, I think it is useless.
0 voters

screenshots would help

1 Like

I think yes, but these are regular police vests for SAHP, BCSO, LSSD, LSPD which is easy to put on and take off with the command.
Be sure to add screenshots later :sunglasses:

I added you a video dear friends for a good example!
illustrative video

Nice job

Could I have a command to remove the vest and gun?

Of course, she’s already there, just type “/clean”

What did you mean, how to add other vests or something else?
I apologize, my English is at the level of five classes of the Russian school :sweat_smile:

I would love to use this with esx_policejob.

1 Like

I apologize, I never used “esx”, if someone wants to do this for “esx” I will not mind. The script is simple in itself.

I mean tbh, it works for esx economy, just removed the give/remove weapons.

Here’s my version:

 -- Config LSSD --

RegisterCommand("lssd", function(args, string)
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())
    msg("You put on your LSSD armour.")
    SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 12, 2, 0)
end, false)

 -- Config BCSO --

RegisterCommand("bcso", function(args, string)
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())
    msg("You put on your BSCO armour.")
    SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 12, 1, 0)
end, false)

 -- Config LSPD --

RegisterCommand("lspd", function(args, string)
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())
    msg("You put on your LSPD armour.")
    SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 12, 3, 0)
end, false)

 -- Config SAHP --

RegisterCommand("sahp", function(args, string)
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())
    msg("You put on your SAHP armour.")
    SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 12, 0, 0)
end, false)

 -- Remove ALL --

RegisterCommand("clean", function(args, string)
    local red = GetPlayerPed(PlayerId())
	msg("You removed your armour.")
	RemoveAllPedWeapons(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
    SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 0, 0, 0)
end, false)

function msg(text)
    TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "OUTFIT ", {255, 4, 1}, text)

Okay, no problem :sunny:
I think that this string, will be superfluous for you if you are not going to use weapons

RemoveAllPedWeapons(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)

They go by numbers, you just need to use the information that is on the internet or test it yourself.

Here is a small example:

SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 9, 12, 3, 0)

12 - is responsible for the torso, that is, you can wear a vest, etc.

3 - This is the item number to be used ( in this case vest )

0 - it is a color, it can be changed if the texture allows it.

For my server, I use several variants of the vest that I did not include in the main release.

nice script liking it so far

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my server loves it thanks man

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Do you have eup?

how to make player out from jail after the jail time is already done ?? becus after i jail someone, they never out from jail and still using jail clothes

This release has nothing to do with what you wrote.

Update 1.0
This update slightly changed the code. Added medical gloves, reflective vest and weapons on command.
All additional information please refer to the file “readme”.

PoliceEquipment-master.zip (4.8 KB)

Download [GitHub] Update 1.0

@SHTIN Think you can at a toggle for your hat, glasses, mask, etc.? I just think if you are making the vest where you can toggle it, it could be nice to have everything else.