[Release] pNotify - In-game JS Notifications Using NOTY

Anyone knows how to add bakground images?

Can u get it to github?

I’ve spent like an hour on this, how come with the animation the notification becomes invisible, but without the animation, it works fine? image
I want to animate the background-color

how to add pNotify player joined/left on ESX

hello, you found it i am looking for it

Found it on the wayback machine. Here ya go.

Wayback Internet Archive Link

Would anyone know how to fix this issue by chance? The script works fine and then will break randomly causing us to restart and make all players lose there Inventories. This is the error code it pulls. I do not know if its the Vehicle Trunk Script causing this issue or Pnotify. Hopefully someone can help!
Trunk Script: [ADDON][ESX] Inventory HUD - Vehicle trunk 2.4.0 - #365 by dedetv - Releases - Cfx.re Community

is the name same ? i mean is the name “pNotify” ? or you change the name ?

Hello everyone there is an opportunity that admin announce or /ad create notification?
Thx, sorry for bad english…

Nice release mate!

Hi, i want to convert the next command into a notification that gives your id, help pls

RegisterCommand(‘id’, function(source, args)

TriggerEvent('chatMessage', "ID", {0, 0, 0}, "YOUR ID:  " .. GetPlayerServerId (PlayerId ()))

end, false)

Hello good afternoon.

I have a problem, when sending the notification in the server.lua it reaches all the users of the server, so I need it to only be seen for him. If you could help me.

TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", -1, {text = "Pagaste 500 en la escuela de conducción",type = "error",queue = "lmao",timeout = 10000,layout = "centerLeft"})

The param -1 will send to all players. Replace it with the id of the player you want to send it to.

Yes, but is there a function or something? If I put only id it doesn’t work. I don’t know.

Hi guys, so i want to implement this into a shop script and when people click too many times the notifications keeps going even Setqueuemax it shows 3 for example but it keeps going till it ends is there anyway i can make it so it doesnt spam?

… new_balance “.” (you have 1 more dot in here)


I know it’s been a long time but have you found a solution to this problem?
I’m having the exact same problem right now and can’t figure out where it’s coming from.

Thank you so much for release! :muscle::sunglasses:

use fontid


Does anyone have any idea why I am unable to get the CSS to change anything on the notification? We use this system along side Albos Force Management System, and despite changing the themes.css (i.e. changing fonts, sizes, borders, etc) nothing has actually changed on the notification. We’ve tried multiple server restarts and reinstalling Pnotify, and to no availe. Anyone have any ideas?

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