[RELEASE] pma-voice

pma-voice now supports rdr3, you can use the current pre-release

This will require you to be on the latest server version & on canary

Some things to note:

  • You cannot use native audio (it’s not currently supported by RedM)
  • Radio and Phone keys are not very customizable, there are no key mappings like there are in FiveM, so they’re on the left and right bracket, though I’m not sure now radios and phones would work in RedM :stuck_out_tongue:

Please expect there to be issues, I only tested this by myself and couldn’t get a second client working, so this is purely just the script running in rdr3.

If you have issues please report them under issues and I will try to fix them.


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This is excellent! I am in love with RedM and the main thing that has stopped me from making my own server is the lack of natively supported VOIP. (Dont want to use TS or Salty…)

I will test this a bit and try and get back to you. Thanks Avarian.

What is the key to change the voice range? I can’t find it :frowning: