The Pass Alarm resource adds the ability for players to enable a Pass Alarm on their person. While enabled, the Pass Alarm will sound an audible Alarm for all nearby players to hear, when a Firefighter stands still for too long. The resource is written in such a way that multiple players can have their Pass Alarms enabled at the same time, and when they activate, multiple alarms can be heard at the same time. The resource also includes a Pass Alarm Panic Button to immediately place an alarm into Stage 2; once an alarm is in Stage 2, either from panic or progression from Stage 1, the alarm must be reset: simply moving will no longer disable the alarm.
Presently, the following can be customized:
Which peds can use the Pass Alarm
Radius alarm can be heard in
Toggleable notifications
Pass Alarm audio files
Development Showcase Video (showing an older version)
Download Link
Check out the Wiki for an installation guide, as well as to find out how to use the resource.
Dude! This is awesome. A PASS device is something that I thought to myself it would be awesome to have when I first joined the FD on my server but never actually thought we’d have. When the notification popped up from your Discord last night, I finished the RP scenario I was in, went back to our station, then told my guys I had some paperwork to do so I could tab out, download, upload, and load this resource. Walked back down to where my guys were standing and did not say a word, all I did was turn it on. 2 of my guys are FFs IRL and as soon as I turned it on they both immediately perked up and started asking who had the PASS sounds on a soundboard. I remained silent and did a sunbathe emote until it set itself off from not moving. At that point, they put it together and started freaking out like teenage girls at a concert. (jerks didn’t even come check on me laying there as they were too excited to have a PASS device in game!!)
Where do I need to edit to make the activation/deactivation sounds not be heard globally? The actual pre-alarm and alarm sounds seem to be fine (at least I have not seen any complaints about them going off, but everytime I turn my PASS off, people that I know are nowhere near me start asking in chat what the heck that noise was. I’ve seen them ask about the noise occasionally when turning it on as well but not near as much, which I attribute mainly to the fact that when I turn it on, I’m focused on preparing to enter a building to fight the fire or do search and rescue, not looking at chat.
Good sir, something must be in the air at the moment; someone suggested that around an hour ago, and I’m looking into it as I type Thanks for the kind words.
A little bug I noticed: sometimes the alarm not resetting when walking but other than that, great niche yet a powerful release. Good work!
Suggestion: Allow other FF have the ability to disable another FF alarm after he/she is found. Purpose would simply be if that person is RPing that they died in the fire, they shouldn’t/wouldn’t be able to disable the alarm themselves. Thoughts?
I do absolutely see the reasoning behind this, however, I think it would be a lot easier for the people involved to just RP turning it off, i.e. saying within RP that they turn off the FF’s Pass, then that person does so. The reason being is simply to keep to the resource as lightweight as possible if that makes sense; why write a hundred lines to do what can be done in one /me right?