[RELEASE] [PAID] Weapons And Job Sets As Items

  • You can add custom weapons and change weapons ammo amount in config.lua
  • You can set custom job for each weapon / set and add custom armour percentage

Default Sets:

  • MP5
  • USP-S
  • AK47
  • C4
  • AWP

Buy from Tebex

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Lack of Information and a Single preview From The Script is Obvious.


why the information very simple ?

Bcz Thats simple too

You can add custom jobs for custom sets and add custom weapons as item , you can set custom ammunation and you will experience a better performance than another scripts

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wait so you have an item “Police Item” and it gives you the job title? what if you have 2 different items? Can you have more than one item/job?

When u using the police set, if u be a police member then u will receive the packages, else? nah you cant use police items as another job members
2 Different items? Yes ofc you can do it.

for 2 different jobs you have to contact with me

sorry your english is far too broken to understand how this script works.

Im sorry about that.

couldn’t cheaters abuse these items what system is in place to stop abuse?

First of all, it depends on your anti cheat

if the hackers be able to change their job, then they have access to the sets, otherwise they cant do anything

that makes no sense at all im asking since these “Job Items” allow people with a certain item to use that item and gain a job wouldn’t a basic cheater be able to abuse this by giving them self that item? surely you put something in place to stop that from happening

No information, no visuals, and no preview makes this a non-buy. Come on, if you’re asking for money for something, at least do the minimal amount of work to give us a reason to buy it.

I think you do not know how this works

simple language:
Im police officer, i can use this item
Im not a police officer, i cant use this item

Have a nice day

also another thing a script should no rely on a “Anticheat” to stop abuse of your script. You should have ways to protect it from abuse cause that’s what a decent developer does?

I dont know what to say, may god help you
my script is depended to esx and there is no way to abuse or destroy that

the thing that u said is like when u made a pizza then u have to give the customer Microwav too!

You’re right, we don’t know how it works… BECAUSE YOU HAVE GIVEN US NOTHING IN THE WAY OF INFORMATION.

Dude, stop being mad at people who dont understand what you’re selling because you can’t be assed to properly market it.

Sorry. I had a bad day and that made me nervous
I do not have access to my computer at this time, thats why there is no videos …

seems like a cash grab tbh and we don’t need a videos just put some info in your post so we know what it even does. Its very minimalistic

also “the thing that u said is like when u made a pizza then u have to give the customer Microwav too!” makes no sense, its a simple if you were a decent dev you would protect ur script from abuse simple as that

My script is protected, but for changing a user job, its not my business, for this thing you should install an anticheat or tell the esx team to do something about it

that gives us no info at all provide how its protected in detail