[RELEASE] [PAID] Vehicle Tracking Script (w/ Logs)

Hey! Inspired by the StarChase vehicle tagging system, this is a script that allows police officers on your FiveM server to deploy a tracker device on the vehicle in front of them with a beautiful UI (courtesy of NeroHiro). It also has a detailed logging feature which logs to a file and/or server console (configurable) whenever a player deploys/removes a tracker. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful for the players on your server!

Updates since release

↳ Added the ability to log to Discord (webhook)
↳ Added the ability to whitelist multiple jobs

↳ You no longer need to use nh-context for the menus - if you prefer to use qb-menu, there is now an option for that in the config

↳ Logs
↳ Extensive configuration
↳ Deploy/remove functions
↳ View vehicle details
… and even more coming in future updates!

NeroHiro’s Context Menu v2

Buy ($5):
Tebex (QBCore)
Tebex (Standalone)


Vehicle Tracking Script (w/ Logs) | @NadPlayz (Try this link if preview does not work)


Config = {}
Locale = {}

-- [[ 🟢 Configuration 🟢 ]] --

-- QBCore
Config.qbVersion = 'new' -- Change to 'new' if you are using the new QBCore version. If you do not, core functions of the script will simply not work!

-- General
Config.job = 'police' -- Job needed to use the script
Config.jobGrade = 1 -- Job grade/rank needed to use the script
Config.defaultKeybind = 'o' -- Default keybind to open menu
Config.defaultKeybindDeploy = 'CAPITAL' -- Default keybind to deploy tracker
Config.command = 'tracker' -- Command to open menu
Config.commandDeploy = 'deploytracker' -- Command to attach tracker
Config.deployDistance = 5.0 -- How far away you need to be in order to deploy the tracker

-- Logs
Config.enableLogs = true -- Change this to false if you want to disable logs
Config.logToFile = true -- Change this to false if you do not want to log to a file // NOTE: Must have a 'log.txt' file in the resource folder.
Config.printToConsole = true -- Change this to false if you do not want every event to print to server console

-- [[ 🔴 Configuration 🔴 ]] --

-- [[ 🟢 Locale 🟢 ]] --

-- General
Locale.menu = "Vehicle Tracking"
Locale.deployed = "DEPLOYED"
Locale.notDeployed = "NOT DEPLOYED"
Locale.goBack = "< Go Back"
Locale.status = "Status: "

Locale.deploy = "Deploy vehicle tracker"
Locale.deployDesc = "Place a tracker on the vehicle in front of you."

Locale.removeTracker = "Remove vehicle tracker"
Locale.removeTrackerDesc = "Disable the vehicle tracker."

Locale.details = "Target Vehicle Details"
Locale.detailsDesc = "Click to view details regarding the target vehicle."
Locale.plate = "Plate"
Locale.model = "Model"

Locale.targetVehicle = "Target Vehicle - "

-- Notifications
Locale.deployedSuccessfully = "Vehicle tracker deployed successfully"
Locale.removedSuccessfully = "Vehicle tracker removed successfully"

-- Logs
Locale.logDeployed = " deployed a vehicle tracker."
Locale.logRemoved = " removed a vehicle tracker."

-- [[ 🔴 Locale 🔴 ]] --

Protected by FiveM Asset Escrow system.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me here - I would be more than happy to help. I appreciate feedback and constructive criticism. Thank you! :heart:

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does it fall off if car get certain distance away or in a certain amount of time ? or is it on the car till removed by officer

The tracker will stay on the vehicle until removed by the officer. Thanks for your comment and sorry for the late reply.

esx 1.1 version?

At the moment, I do not plan on making an ESX version. However, if there is enough interest, I will do so. Thank you for your comment.

SCRIPT UPDATE // 12/01/2021
↳ Added the ability to log to Discord (webhook)
↳ Added the ability to whitelist multiple jobs

1 Like

Update - standalone version has been released! :tada:

SCRIPT UPDATE // 12/14/2021
↳ You no longer need to use nh-context for the menus - if you prefer to use qb-menu, there is now an option for that in the config

For standalone, is there any permissions to restrict use? ACE perms would be great as that’s how we regulate most of our other perms for LEO.

Yes, it uses ACE permissions for LEO whitelisting.

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Esx Version?

Although an ESX version is not currently available, I do have a standalone version that would work on any framework.

How do you make sure that only Police can do that?

The standalone version utilizes ACE permissions (more here: ACE Permissions).