MOTD also known as Message of The Day was created to give you and your places a central place to view important server links. Some good examples of links would be forums, discord, server store, server rules, CAD/MDT, etc.
You can configure this resource to open on player spawns, commands, or both. You can also customize all the links, icons, and text.
If you have some CSS experience you can also edit the style such as colors, fonts, and more!
Limitation: There is a limitation where URLs need to be HTTPS and allow iFrame embedding.
Fixed open on spawn
Added open once per script start spawn (in configuration)
Hello my friend @EmergScripts I loved the idea of the Script! It was very good! There are only 2 problems. In Brazil it is normal to choose where you want to spawn when you enter the server. Your script is getting over that script of choosing Spawn. It would be nice if it showed up before or after. Another thing, when you click on another menu you are unable to click on the first ‘Default’ menu again