[RELEASE] [PAID] K9 Script (w/ Logs)

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words! And regarding your suggestion, this is actually a feature that is already implemented within the script (I try to show it off at around 4:00 in the showcase video). Again, thank you for your comment and look forward to more updates/features in the future.

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Oh fantastic! My apologies as I should have looked into more! I just realized I was hitting left control not left alt facepalm

Ah, no problem. Glad we were able to figure that out! :slight_smile:

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SCRIPT UPDATE // 12/01/2021
↳ Added the ability to search players
↳ Added the ability to log to Discord (webhook)
↳ Added the ability to whitelist multiple jobs

Nice br !


Update - standalone version has been released! :tada:

SCRIPT UPDATE // 12/03/2021
↳ You no longer need to use nh-context/nh-keyboard for the menus and keyboard inputs - if you prefer to use qb-menu/qb-input, there is now an option for that in the config

If you have two Officers present on a scene and one of the Officers shoot’s who doesn’t own the Dog. Will the Dog attack him/her or does the Dog recognize Officers?

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Anybody who shoots will be attacked by the dog , except for the actual dog handler. In a future update, I will add functionality that checks to see whether the shooter is a police officer or not. Thanks for your inquiry!

Is there a video on how to install the standalone script? I am normally pretty good at installing resources but I am pretty sure I am not doing it correctly. What exactly do I put in this?

’ add_ ace group . “GROUP NAME” “ACE PERMISSION” allow ’

PS I know I am missing the arrows, it would not allow me to add them. It kept deleting.

The K9 Menu Doesnt Want To Work , As soon as you press Set Name . the menu goes away and Your Frozen .

Can this work with ESX? Want to know before I buy

The standalone version works with any framework.

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Any update on the vehicle searching feature?

should 100% make it standalone, ive been in 6 servers trying to find one, and they all said they couldnt find it so ddefinitly make it stand-alone

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yea standalone is so hard to find!

Has this been fixed yet, the other script I tried has the exact same problem

nope, he doesnt reply either :slight_smile:

Can you fix this script. Many people have been getting the same issues. Kinda not right how we paid for this asset and it isnt even functional…