Advanced police tablet made for FiveM.

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  • Creating a realistic file that includes details such as photos, plots, criminals and involved officers.
  • Inspecting the details in the file (Authorized officers can delete any file).
  • Creating a search warrant.
  • Inspecting the details in search warrant.
  • Searchbar to search any person.
  • See the details of searched persons such as his record, owned vehicles, bank account etc.
  • Upload profile photos for each person.
  • Adding announcement in tablet will also shared in discord.
  • You can add translations to any language.
  • Searching license plate in database.


  • Added File Search Option in mainpage.
  • Added Search License Plate option in main page.
  • Added Discord webhooks, triggers when a file/warrant/announcement created.
  • Max. number of files in files section is now editable in config.js.

You can edit crimes tab in config.

Only the JS file in this script is obfuscated.
This resource requires MYSQL & ESX.


the script is encrypted?

Yes, the resource is obfuscated.


Good work! Can i ask whats the difference between this?, a difference worth 60USD i mean^^

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just changes the design

and if the script has the price of 60USD the client should be able to edit the code without problem but ready …!!! the script has to be encrypted

You can’t obfuscate the scripts here :slight_smile:

you can.

Please keep all discussions on topic, concerns about paid topics can be directed to the moderator team directly or on another topic.

If you have questions about the Tebex system or with the resource being illegitimate, stolen, copied or something else please flag it and explain to the moderator team.

Thank you.

can I edit the esx triggers?

no is obfuscate

Of course! .LUA 's aren’t obfuscated.

What about HTML editing? I’d be interesting in changing “Polis”

Yep you can change the logo, you can edit the interface(CSS&HTML) but not recommended. JS is the only obfuscated file in this source.

OMG thanks for that im gonna buy it rn lol

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great job my friend <3

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Nice bro

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I guess you have been inspired by the design part, health to your hands. :slight_smile:

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Does this enter the players details automatically? Pulling from the users table in the DB?