[PAID] FAE-DISPATCH | All-in-one Dispatch System

All in one dispatch system made for FiveM(ESX)


  • Cops can create their own patrol groups .
  • Cops can view the recent calls and which officer is responding to the call.
  • Cops can respond to 911 calls or other calls such as burglary alarm.
  • Calls can be seen in dispatch system and also in the map as a blip.
  • Civilians can send a message to the dispatch system with just a command.
  • Sound&Alert system to inform the cops about the calls.
  • Modern GPS system integrated to item.
  • Solve selection to delete the call in order to keep dispatch system clear.

To Buy: Tebex

%40 Discount on MDT: MDT
Dispatch&MDT BUNDLE: Tebex


Is encrypted or ip locked?

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Client&Server lua aren’t obfuscated. It has token authorization.

Now this is sick!

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Can you add a way to mark someone else as responding to a call. For say player based dispatching.
Maybe even have it push the gps of the call to the waypoint for the unit.


I’ll consider it in the next update. Thank you for the suggestion

you would have a sale for sure if you did :wink:

This looks very good. Good job man!

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You are good, good job man!


onesync infinity compatibility?

Looks nice dude, good release.

My only gripe with these dispatches is that there is so much going on and so much you have to do. Simple dispatches seem to work the best in the long run, nice ui, display what’s needed and easy to navigate and respond to.


Hello ! This is a nice release but I have some questions.
In the video and the description it’s only for cops but what if I want to make it work for every jobs ?
For example, I call the EMS can they receive independent calls ( only EMS can see ) ?
So unique calls for every jobs ?
If not is it fully editable ?

Okay, so here’s some constructive criticism.

This is my Opinion, you’re trying to sell your CAD/MDT for way too much, you would make alot more profit if let’s say your product was 20-25 Bucks, I’ve seen way more advanced scripts much cheaper then what you’re asking for.

This Product is so so simple… yet you’re wanting people to spend an arm and a leg.

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Thank you for your opinion. First of all, thank you for caring about my profit but FAE-MDT’s main price was 50$ and with discount it went down to 30$ and in my opinion it’s absolutely normal.

Secondly, you don’t have to buy a product that you don’t like it. There is plenty fish in the sea so you can find a variant of a dispatch system and buy it. Nobody is asking for you to spend your arm and your leg?

For other questions:

I haven’t tested it for infinity. However, GPS system might need editing for infinity because of the GetPlayerPed() native. But as I said, Client.lua and Server.lua aren’t obfuscated so you can make any changes you want to do.

I totally agree with you about simple dispatches. I’ve designed this system to be easy, understandable and fast. At your start of the shift, open the dispatch system which you can easily open it with hotbind, create your patrol group and open your GPS. When you receive call open the dispatch again and click respond button to respond to call. That’s it actually. As far as I tested, It’s much faster than marking the zone in the map.

It’s not supported for EMS players. However, It’s in my to-do list. And it’s not fully editable, you can only make changes in client&server.lua

Thank you for the support and the comments.


Maybe add language file

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Suggested keybind edit to remove the loop

RegisterKeyMapping('+dispatch', 'Dispatch Open', 'keyboard', '')
RegisterCommand('+dispatch', function(source,args,raw)
    if isCop then
        display(not disp)

Can you make this dispatch working for every jobs ?

Great release

Question Can you fine criminals with this?

you should never respond to negativity.