Temporarily disabled as I’m working on an update and it is not currently made for the latest ESX.
ESX motel system, works with weight & item limit. Uses shells, which basically means it syncs perfectly between clients. You can store items and weapons, weapons are stored individually meaning ammo, components & weapon tint is saved.
Video showcase (click me if video doesn’t work):
The script is extremely performance friendly and only uses 0.01ms when idling, and only between 0.02 and 0.15 ms when being used (in a motel room for example).
- Install everything from requirements and add loaf_motel to your resource folder
- Add the following to your server.cfg
ensure loaf_keysystem
ensure mythic_interiors
ensure loaf_globalstate #only if you aren't using OneSync
ensure loaf_motel
- Run the provided SQL file
- Done!
Update 1
- Added new shells from K4MB1
- Added ability to remove outfits
- If your storage is empty, it will now say “Empty.”
From my testing there are no bugs or issues. If you encounter any issues, please let me know.
Not yet, I could add that though
I would like to see that added or as an option in the config. 
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is this script ip lock or encrypted?
Nope, when you buy it you get the source code
I am currently working on an update, it will add police raids & the ability to upgrade your motel room. Probably finished within 2 hours
Police raid will be configurable.
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Nice. And no rush test it thoroughly.
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Hi Loaf u are legend in fivem scripts , but can u do this script for vrp dunko ?
Added as a test version included in the download, not sure if there are any issuses with it but from my testing it works 
Here’s a showcase of the update: Loaf - Motel update v1.1.0 - YouTube
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Looks good. Ok last question for now this wont interfere with loaf_housing right? I currently have loaf_housing and want to get the motels running too.
Nope, it doesn’t interfere with housing
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No answer for my question??
Sorry. I don’t know how vRP works and don’t have the time to learn it. You will have to convert it yourself
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Hey @Loaf-Scripts
i just bought the script and i need to say is beautiful , but i got a problem , i just open a ticket or your discord about that. but i gonna put here probly someone can help out in the future with this.
When i put the script mystic etc , when i enter in a room the shell using gonna blink with light and without light.
you knwo how to resolve the problem ?
You need to adjust the weather when you get into the shell with your weather sync script, making it night time every time you get into a shell so you don’t have that problem of lighting.
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Can I easily add my own triggers for inventory? As I use hsn-inventory
Do you have a guide on how to use hsn-inventory for storage? If so, can you send a link so I can add support for it?
Loaf, is there anyway to check who as the keys from my motel room? Because, from what someone tested with me, the guy that comes in my room, can get the key when exiting. Can u check me that pls? thanks in advance