[RELEASE] [PAID] [ESX] Job Creator


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The boss menu is not included, you have to insert the trigger in the config.


This script allows the user to create a first and second type job, once created you will be able to edit the name, ranks, coordinates (garage, vehicles, inventory, boss menu and locker room), the staff will also have the option to add, rename, delete clothes and vehicles, for vehicles there is also a limit of cars that can be retired (if you put 0 there will be no limit), for the boss menu only the marker is included, not the functions.

Inventory Compatibility

  • ox_inventory
  • qs_inventory

To request compatibility with your inventory, you can write to me. :grinning:


Tebex Link

The resource is assigned to its own keymaster, together with the gridsystem which will have the function of creating markers without creating any type of lag

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1400
Requirements ESX, ox_lib, gridsystem
Support Yes

will it be released for QBCORE also?

We’re working on it

Hello, my server run with QS Inventory, we don’t have other choice of inventory in your script ?

Nice job

All updates will be made soon, stay tuned

Update for QS Inventory is out now! For any error with compatibility contact me immediatly. Thanks!

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link tebex

how much dos it cost and can you please send me the tebex link