Edit: Screen shots have been added to repo.
Anyways this project is just sitting around collecting dust so am open sourcing it. It’s not a complete project and there are no screen shots (feel free to submit a pull request anytime :D) but it does provide a few solutions I found difficult creating the mod. Can be fun but think mostly it will serve as some nice examples.
Best feature is the weapon shop for purchasing weapons/ammo.
nice work. Could you make instructions on how to install?
dont seem like it works bro installed it but nada wont even download the resource
and same file keeps trying to load
I just tried it myself and it worked, I have updated the project with a picture and a few more instructions. Please let me know if this has helped.
Thank you!
Seems noice! 
I could use that for some events Like Halloween 
Yo m8, can we change the price of items?
where is the download link
how do i edit so the zombies dont 1 hit Ko people
More specifically edit:
Recompile and move new built dlls into mod folder.
One hit zombies were intentional and I hope you’re enjoying the mod 
All weapon and ammo prices are in here, any change will require you to re build the project and copy dlls into mod folder
thank you i have a rp server wanted to make the zombie less op 
Hello. can this work along side other mods? i mean, my plan is to add it like an event to my roleplay server that runs VRP,
make it like an outbreak came, attack what so ever… kinda so zombies roam around the normal world we RP in, kinda forces people to group together to survive!
With some work sure, but it was built assuming it was the only mod. I couldnt tell you the specifics you’d need to update but I believe there are some places that would need to be updated to allow it to run with other mods. Best of luck!
Any ideas on how to convert this so that the zombies pay out with esx dollars instead of your currency framework
Just change all the dollar signs in ui, its all javascript, then rebuild the ui. The ui is a nodejs package and the commands should be in the package.json, been a while but npm run build
or similar, should work
It seems there might be too many zombies spawning per player , while testing this the more people that would join would cause the zombies to pop up everywhere around you and cause game crashes, anyway to edit the amount of zombies spawn ? Or OneSync compatible ?
Hello! What can i do if when i want to join to server when i uploaded script and changed everything in .sql but i get this infobox: " Failed handshake to server IP - transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining - CURL error code 18 (Transferred a partial file). " and automatically shutdown the server " FXServer crashed. "
Hello, nice release, can i know how to reduce the number of zombies spawned?
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hey, loved the script but i’m having this issue: when i’m joining the fivem server the screen goes all black and doesn’t stop loading, if you could help me it would be apreciated