[Release] Original Police K9 [Updated]

Where do I add the permissions for the standalone version?

They are ace permissions. Add a permission for “k9”.

Wow! Good Job

I’m having an issue where if I press the horn (on a controller) the k9 pops out of the vehicle. It’s kinda bad when there’s a vehicle behind you and you honk your horn then your dog get’s ran over.

Okay, I have downloaded this resource, edited the config for standalone, put it in the server to see it doesn’t work. I need some support here lol.

My dog won’t attack actual players only AI’s. The player does not have everyone ignores player enabled, what do I do?

Hello, after typing / k9 spawn husky nothing happens as you type / k9 spawn pops up message that you should choose a dog will someone help?

correct. /k9 spawn husky

I write it exactly

You must have installed it incorrectly.

I am trying to get this added to the police job menu and I am having trouble I got as far as the K9 Interaction is in the F6 menu but that is it

Looking for esx_inventoryhud and glovebox? Check out this one: https://github.com/dutchplayers/esx-inventoryhud

How do I add > add_ace group.admin k9 allow
add_principal identifier.steam:000000 group.admin < so I can spawn in the dog? There is not section in the .json for this to be placed.

Also, would an ability to make the dog do no damage but to still down the player be possible?

where bouts in main am i putting this bro i have failed multiple times lol

I see that you haven’t looked at the post or the files you downloaded. Check back when you have.

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Same here. I’ve tried a few different places but can’t find the place for it in the esx_policejob client.lua. I’ve played with it a bit too and am getting kinda frustrated.

Is anyone able to help out a little?

@Ascaped can you put the dog enter and leave for the front right door instead of the trunk

Support is now closed. If anyone would like to commit changes, please use github pull request.

To add to the ESX Police Menu just add this part to the to start of the ActionsMenu.
but stop at
if data.current.value == ‘citizen_interaction’ then
local elements = {

function OpenPoliceActionsMenu()
	local elements = {
			{label = _U('citizen_interaction'), value = 'citizen_interaction'},
			{label = _U('vehicle_interaction'), value = 'vehicle_interaction'},
			{label = _U('object_spawner'), value = 'object_spawner'}
	  if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'k9' then
    table.insert(elements, {label = 'K9 Interaction', value = 'k9_interaction'})
	ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'police_actions', {
		title    = 'Police',
		align    = 'bottom-right',
		elements = elements
		}, function(data, menu)

Then add the rest after citizen_interaction’s
end, function(data2, menu2)
and before vehicle_interaction starts
elseif data.current.value == ‘vehicle_interaction’ then

elseif data.current.value == 'k9_interaction' then
			local elements = {
				{label = 'Spawn K9', value = 'k9spawn'},
				{label = 'K9 Follow', value = 'k9follow'},
				{label = 'K9 Stay', value = 'k9stay'},
				{label = 'K9 Search Vehicle', value = 'k9sehveh'},
				{label = 'K9 Search Citizen', value = 'k9sehcit'},
				{label = 'K9 Enter Vehicle', value = 'k9enterveh'},
				{label = 'K9 Exit Vehicle', value = 'k9exitveh'},
				{label = 'K9 Dismiss', value = 'k9delete'}
      ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'k9_interaction', {
        title    = 'K9 Actions',
        align    = 'bottom-right',
        elements = elements
      }, function(data2, menu2)
          local action = data2.current.value

          if action == 'k9spawn' then
              ExecuteCommand('k9 spawn shepherd')
          elseif action == 'k9follow' then
            ExecuteCommand('k9 follow')
          elseif action == 'k9stay' then
          ExecuteCommand('k9 stay')
        elseif action == 'k9sehveh' then
          ExecuteCommand('k9 search vehicle')
        elseif action == 'k9sehcit' then
            ExecuteCommand('k9 search player')
          elseif action == 'k9enterveh' then
            ExecuteCommand('k9 enter')
          elseif action == 'k9exitveh' then
            ExecuteCommand('k9 exit')
          elseif action == 'k9delete' then
            ExecuteCommand('k9 delete')
      end, function(data2, menu2)
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