[RELEASE] opc_VehicleCraft - Craft vehicles with ease and boost your economy [PAID]

l------------------------- WATCH THE TRAILER HERE -------------------------l
opc_CraftVehicle showcase / trailer - YouTube
l------------------------- WATCH THE TRAILER HERE -------------------------l

Today OpCodez presents: VehicleCraft

VehicleCraft main features:

Craft any vecicle!
Addon & Vanilla vehicles are no problem
No limit on amount
Requirements for a vehicle can be fully customized (Items + Money)
Planes, boats and cars will work!
Generate plates that match to your server with easy config
Low-Latency in idle mode
Works flawless with esx 1.2 and esx final (should work with lower ESX-Versions aswell)
No IP-Lock, test on your localhost or devserver as long as you like before pushing it to the main server!
No encryption on server.lua or any other script, modify it as you need / like!

Very easy to configurate
here is a example:

Needed Dependencys:

esx_vehicleshop ( GitHub - esx-framework/esx_vehicleshop: FXServer ESX Vehicle Shop )
mysql-async: ( GitHub - brouznouf/fivem-mysql-async: MySql Async Library for FiveM )

Additonal notes: in the video you can see loaf-mining which is not included aswell as the ped script)

Buy VehicleCraft now: OpCodez | Welcome (tebex.io)

Make sure to leave a feedback here


very cool


Thanks :slight_smile:

Nice work but your script is not like this:

Nice Scrip, using it on GRP

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will it work with esx 1.2?


It will fully work with esx 1.2


Good script!


Give me name of mod plz :smiley:

with this mod would it be possible to create individual parts like engines transmissions brakes and stuff and each part has its own spec to increase and decrease the top speed of the car?

Due to a new Script we are working on the price DROPPED from 25€ to only 14,99€ So get it today !

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Updated several bugs and added performance boost :money_mouth_face:

we may add it in the future ! Thanks for your suggestion !

is it standalone or does it work with my esx?

is it possible to do this for the esx_advancedvehicleshop too?

the script looks really cool !

We are working on a solution right now !

Bought this and tested but the car does not safe on database, does not give ownership

This is not how the Script should work

We sold it about 20times and we had no problems so far. Please contact us so we can look into it


This is the error

I sent you a private message, this isnt a common error and it shouldnt occur to any other person.
i sent you the fix via PM
