[Release] OCRP's Flywheel Garage New 22/11/2019

New Release [Release] Flywheels Garage


Happy cakeday @xLogicc


That hot right there

Nice this workshop is just getting better and better

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nice job! :smiley:

hey instead of just leaving the garage doors wide open like that why not add in one that opens and closes? that would be cool

i left it open so it makes it better to get in to without waiting for it to open

i get it, only reason i brought it up is because I use it as a small impound yard and having it open like that means there is nothing stopping people from going into the back area and taking a car. still cool though

when i looked theres wasnt a garage door that would fit that space i would have to make one and tbh i cba lol

lol no worries, i totally understand

Great! Just great :grinning:

Awesome! Thanks for sharing with the community!

Nice work! :smiley:


Is this been updated? i did have the first one but sure it didn’t have open interior only the garage was open

can someone tell me what folder name was for v1 of this please.

@here new flywheels update


Very nice! I’ve been loving it!


just a update for you lot Coming Soon


Noticed a bug for you on the new Flywheels release. When it rains you can see water come through. It also has a lot of shading issues for example it gets dark in certain places and at times of the day.

thanks for letting me no i will look in to this and get a fix out asap