[RELEASE] Notification System


I would suggest using this instead

It’s a more in-depth one.


@Woopi Nice release bro.

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Great release!!!

Thank you!

If I use ‘TriggerClientEvent’ I get a bunch of errors in the console

If I use TriggerEvent rath than clientevent I only get this

I am triggering it around the same place that pnotify used to trigger in the scripts I want but it just wont work for me. I was wondering if anyone had anything similar

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Can i see the code you use? Might be because you are not including the player you want it triggered on. @Ultrunz

Like in TriggerClientEvent do this:

TriggerClientEvent(“eventName”, source, “message”)

Nevermind I got it working like this

TriggerEvent('Trigger_Error_Notification:Client', 'message')

Do love how it looks though! Thanks for the release

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Sorry i’m a little dumb but how do i Install it ?

drag it into your resources and start it in the server.cfg

after that what shoud i do ?

You would use the api to make it work.

Whats a api ? and do i set it up ?
Sorry for the questions :confused:

You just load it as regular resource, then you call these lines he given you whenever you want as notification, such as pNotify uses.

but where do I put those lines ?

It’s text triggering, whenever you want to trigger that side box, you simply put the examples. read the thread please before replying. Because you talk without even reading the whole thread.

I read the hole thread but i still don’t undestand … well let it be , thanks for the help tho :hugs:

It’s not that hard, if you wanna trigger the message in client use trigger server, when you want it in server use triggerclient…

Thanks very much For this resource

Does is it possible to make 1 after another? i mean 2 notifications at the same time