Hi there, mates.
Let me introduce these bikers stuff, implemented in FiveM.
This resource load weapons, such as sweeper, poolcue, mini smg and etc from bikers DLC, all tattoos and decals also.
In game - press HOME key and you will get the weapons.
- There is no weapon icons
- There is no way to get this weapon, ecxept the special coding (i include it in this resource).
- Pipe bomb does not works properly, thats why it is not included in this release for now.
I work to solve these issues. Be patient.
It is beta version, and we have some issues, but i work on it. Maybe there should be next release, maybe you can solve this by yourself. If it is - post your version here.
Traditionally, no credits required, use this resource however you want! And sorry for my barbarian english, ok?
Downoad: HERE (63,085 KB)
My project: HERE
Unofficial wiki: HERE (how-to-add-something-like-that manual soon, check it out later)