This is my first release, I am not quite sure how many people will use this, but I have enjoyed making this mod.
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So with this mod, you can freeze a Troll. you can TP to the frozen troll and when frozen they can not use a weapon. They can not move from the spot where they are frozen.
/freeze {UserID}, {true/false} eg: /freeze 13 true will freeze server player 13, /freeze 13 false will unfreeze them and let them go on with there day.
/tpj This command once you run the above command will TP you to the player whom is frozen and once you have dealt with the case you can use /tpj to then return to your old spot, this command is not auto, allowing you to get out of a car or move somewhere safe before tping to the player.
/wt {UserID} eg: /wt 13 will send a warning to the user asking to stop if there been a troll or breaking rules.
/nomoretroll This will return our simple about dialog with your own mug shot.
Thanks to @BadKai_Panda we also have Ace support so this will only let your admins run the commands, to enable this add the below to your server.cfg file and change the Ace command in the config to true.
Adding Ace Support:
The Ace is now a extra level of admin support, as long as your admins have command allow in the admin command list you
don’t need to do anything else
Commands if you want to split them up
- command.freeze – to freeze the player
- command.wt – to be able to warn a player.
- command.tpj – your admins will need this to tp to the frozen player
- command.nomoretroll – So your admins can check the about, don’t give this to normal users you don’t want to let them know what scripts your running.
Commands what support console don’t do a Ace check as the server don’t need it.
The old Ace check is still in place so you can also make sure your admins have the nomoretroll.admin level
To enable select admins to use this script only add the below ace command to your user ace’s in your server.cfg file.
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000000 nomoretroll.admin # give admins script admins.
replace identifier.steam:110000000000000 with there steam id
Then in your resource/{path}/NoMoreTroll open up the config.lua file and change the Ace Enabled option from false
to true, you can see this below.
-- This version of the Ace is now a extra step and you can leve this false if you want, it might be removed in a future
-- version no you just need a admin with the command allow.
Ace = {
-- Enable/Disable the Ace support nomoretrol.admin add below to your server.cfg
-- add_ace group.admin nomoretroll.admin allow # give admins script admins.
-- in version this becomes a sub group and you can enable this for extra level of admins
Enabled = false,
-- This version of the Ace is now a extra step and you can leve this false if you want, it might be removed in a future
-- version no you just need a admin with the command allow.
Ace = {
-- Enable/Disable the Ace support nomoretrol.admin add below to your server.cfg
-- add_ace group.admin nomoretroll.admin allow # give admins script admins.
-- in version this becomes a sub group and you can enable this for extra level of admins
Enabled = true,
Commands that work server side:
- wt PlayerID - just like you would in game but without the /
- nomoretroll - just the about dialog
Can I use this script:
Yes please feel free to fork it as much and has hard as you like, this is under the WTFPL, it would be nice if you link back to this topic or thank me CalixFoxUK, but you don’t have to.
Please enjoy
Dialog Mod options
We have also enabled 3 mods of dialog in this script, you can return messages to Chat or Dialog this was stolen from BadKai with permission, I also have included a third option where it looks like a text message, much more nicer if you ask me. Text Message mode is default, you can change the Dialog and Ace error message in the config.lua you will see the settings
Mode = 3
Change this to 1 for chat, 2 for Dialog and 3 for Text Message.
You can also change the messages of each message in the config.lua
I myself often get lost using admin menu’s and if flustered by the time I have found an option you can guarantee the person disconnects from the server. So for me this script is ideal I can remember a few simple commands. NoMoreTroll is here live for you all to share.
Please report any bugs here or GitHub issue tracker, All suggestions to this post are welcome. I will see about adding any good idea’s that are put forward. - Example none Ace, random commands, random testing - Released version with Ace support cleaned up code and removed random testing - Fixed the Deprecated methods, thanks @BadKai_Panda for the help and @TheIndra for pointing out this mistake.
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All bugs reported will be fixed ASAP if I am able to.
Have fun and please enjoy NoMoreTroll.