[RELEASE] - New-LegacyFuel w/ Notifications




Version optimisé du LegacyFuel:

  • Recommandé pour ESX
  • Texte en 3D remplacés par des notifications.
  • Compatible avec le speedometer ‘Enhanced-HUD’ ([RELEASE] Enhanced HUD).
  • Consomation d’essence réduite.
  • Prix du plein à $50 (je suis Français, comprenez pourquoi j’ai baissé les prix).

Téléchargement ->>> https://github.com/GarfieldeuhV1/New-LegacyFuel/releases/download/v1.0-Alpha/New-LegacyFuel.zip

Preview ->>> https://streamable.com/z6r0b (Baissez le son)

Crédit ->>> LegacyFuel de base (https://github.com/InZidiuZ/LegacyFuel (ça peux vous être utile pour la configuration))


English: (translate.google.com)

Optimized version of LegacyFuel:

  • Recommended for ESX
  • 3D text replaced by notifications.
  • Compatible with ‘Enhanced-HUD’ speedometer ([RELEASE] Enhanced HUD).
  • Reduced fuel consumption.
  • ll price at $50 (I’m French, understand why I lowered prices).

Download ->>> https://github.com/GarfieldeuhV1/New-LegacyFuel/releases/download/v1.0-Alpha/New-LegacyFuel.zip

Preview ->>> https://streamable.com/z6r0b (Lower the sound)

Credit ->>> Basic LegacyFuel (https://github.com/InZidiuZ/LegacyFuel (it can be useful for the configuration))

Are exports supposed to work? Because original script didn’t support.

Never tried. I haven’t changed anything about this :confused:

Please do not re-release resources, instead make a pull request at the orginal resource.